Chapter VIII: Prom.

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[A/N] : and here's the most beautiful, Miss Sierra as Amy! Because in this house we can only see her and Luke's perfect match!!! But of course, you can imagine yourselves or whoever you want to.

Also I'm so sorry for not being online for an entire year? I kinda gave up on this story but well I'm back now!

Emmeline's POV

If someone had told me that I would thrown into the backseat of the car and would be completely forgotten about, I would've never stolen Luke's phone that day...

Apparently, my dream fantasy of my prom date coming to pick me up, opening the door for me and driving me to the prom were spoiled. I didn't want to ask why he didn't come to pick me up because I was afraid everyone would realize how much of a hopeless romantic I am.

But back to the lovestruck couple in front of me, Amy was looking stunning in her attire and well, her makeup was on fleek. I felt like a potato in front of her. Of course, Luke was blown away when he saw her and it took him seven minutes to finally say something and Amy was the one to break the silence by complimenting him. I think we all know who's in charge.

"Are we there, yet?" I asked Luke like a impatient five year old.

"Almost there." Both Luke and Amy said at the same time and then smiled at each other. I love my parents.

Finally, a huge building came into view, couples could be seen everywhere. Some were in love. Some were looking like they wanted to run away from each other. Luke parked the car on a side and before I could open the car door I heard a scream.


A blonde haired guy with extremely good looks and well...loud voice came into view. He was running door? And there, he opened the car door for me and extended his hand towards "Hello there, I'm Niall."

Did he hear me complaining about not having my date open the car door for me or what?

I smiled, taking his hand and getting out of ther car, "Oh, uh, thank you" I nervously spurted out. Why am I like this?

"Well, clearly Luke didn't do your description any justice because you're far more beautiful than how he described." He said with a cheeky smile as he let go of my hand.

I felt my cheeks warming up at his comment, not knowing what to say. I mean, he was really good with his words, definitely not expected.

"Oh my god, I wish" I whispered under my breath and he looked at me confused, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."

"I.. Uh.. Thank you, I don't know what to say. I mean, you're much more than what I expected you to be." Much more? Wow. You're horrible at this, Emme.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm new to this too, you can relax... I guess we can both be awkward together?"

Did he just hear my inner self?

"I see this is going well." Luke HAD to step in, of course.

Him and Amy were already out of the car, hand in hand a few feet away from us and already smiling at us while the two of us were still standing next to the car.

"Right. I think we should go inside. Shall we?" Niall offered me his hand for the second time and before I took it I realized something, "Right, I just have one more thing left to do." Luke gave me a confused look as I opened the car door and pulled out my camera, ain't going nowhere without you, baby.

"Luke, Amy why don't you guys pose for me, let me capture the beautiful couple?" Luke grinned and turned to Amy asking her permission and she just nodded with a blush. I noticed from the corner of my eye Niall smiling at me as he called out to Luke.

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