Chapter V - "Nice to meet you?"

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Louis' POV

"Louis, wake up!!!"

Ugh, not today Satan. I groan and cover my ears with the pillows, trying to conceal the loud screams of my dear annoying sister. But, if only that was of any help.

"Jesus, what's your problem?" I finally sit up straight, giving her the death glare while she smiles innocently, knowing that she had succeed. 

"My problem is usually you but today...Today I-We have a bigger problem! Mum's finally found another babysitter!"Daisy complained in her usual high pitched tone and jumped on my bed to add more emphasis to it.

"I don't get why you'd say 'We have a problem' because now that you'll have a babysitter, I can finally go out on weekends. It's only you, that has a problem."

Daisy crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted, "You don't get it. I'll have to suffer but you'd too! Remember all those teenage babysitters I had? They were all so clingy and gross with you." By gross she means, how they were all flirty with me. "And oh! What if it's one of those fat oldies again? They ate all of your food that once, remember? Also, the one who stole your under wears for her son and-"

"Alright, alright. I get it. What do you want me to do about it?" I swear this girl knows exactly how to get what she wants.

"What are my two darlings planning to do this early?" Mum said, walking into my room, smiling.

"Nothing" Daisy and I replied in unison. 

"I swear, I don't understand you two, one one hand, you're fighting like the worst enemies and on the other, being the best siblings and hiding stuff from me" 

"We're not hiding anything, mum" Of course, mum couldn't know what we were upto.

She just nodded, kissing mine and Daisy's forehead, "I'm going out today, but the babysitter will be here any minute. Louis, please stay at home and help the poor girl out with babysitting your sister."

"Why should I help her babysit, she's a babysitter, she knows how to do her job."

"She's new and she doesn't know anything about the house, help her with that. Also, it's better if you stay home and not spend your entire day at Stan's, while Zayn looks after Daisy for you." How did she know that? "Take care and don't fight and scare the new babysitter off" and with that she was off.

I turned around, shocked. "Why would you tell her that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" she smiled, blinking her eyes in the most innocent way possible. "But that's not what we should worry about right now, soldier! Our territory is in danger, we have to save it from outsiders!"

I shook my head with a sigh, "I swear, you're so dramatic for a seven year old"

She hit my arm, playfully and held up her seven fingers up, "I'm six!" then she looked at her fingers and closed one, smiling to herself. She's so weird, sometimes.

"You got a plan?" I ask her finally and she looks up at me with a light in her eyes.

"You bet I do."


Emmeline's POV

"Oh shit, I'm gonna be sooo late!" Luke  cursed under his breath while clumsily putting on his shoes.

"So am I, can you hurry up please?"

"Please, Emme. A little six year old isn't gonna lecture you over being late but a old 38 year old teacher would definitely lecture me over being late." He spoke before grabbing his toast and walking out of the house and I followed.

"Hmm, sure whatever. It's not my fault you spent the whole night chatting with Amy and then woke up late." I stated as we got into the car and he blushed and shook his head.

"I really shouldn't have told you."

"Excuse me, idiot. I'm the reason why you're going to prom with her, okay? And in return, I can at least have the privilege to tease you." He chuckled and nodded while mumbling a quiet 'true'.

Luke dropped me off to the place I was supposed to be babysitting at. The lady had called me earlier and told me  that she had to leave early and there were only her daughter and her son in the house. Well, let's do this.

I rang the doorbell a few times but no one answered. I sighed and tried knocking.

"Uhm hello, it's the babysitter!" I called out and finally to my relief a reply came from inside.

"You can come in, the door's open." Wow, were they just waiting for me to say something  or what.

I opened the door and stepped inside, looking here and there. No one was around. What is going on?

"Attack" I heard a loud yell coming from behind me followed by the sound of the front door closing. What?!

Before I could process anything around me,  I was covered with...whipped cream? What the actual fuck? I tried getting the cream out of my face hair, oh my god, I had just washed them this morning. Just then I saw a little girl running towards me- WAIT.

I knew her, it was the girl from the airport! "Daisy?" I said finally getting the cream off my face and getting a clearer view of her and she immediately stopped attacking me with whipped cream and open her mouth to say something.

Too late, I figured someone had tied by legs with a rope and being the clumsy person I was, I fell down, hard.

All I remember is seeing a worried Daisy looking down at me and a boy with a satisfied smirk on his face and a toy gun in his hand.

"And the best brother in the whole fricking world award goes to..."

"Louis. We messed up big time."

I couldn't think of anything else since my vision was getting all blurry and I finally managed to say, "Nice to meet you?" and just like that, everything went black.

[A/N]: So, that was that.  I take ages to upload but I'm on holidays right now and I can't upload much from here so please cooperate with me, lads. I'm trying my hardest to be a good writer :') anyways, I hope you liked the chapter, if you did please please vote, comment and share. 

Mwah ❤

~ Ana

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