Chapter 2

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The alarm blared 8:15. She knocked it over and mumbled incoherent words as she rose from her bed. Changing into her work clothes and putting her hair up in a bun. She looked over to the draws and wardrobe and remembered not taking a lot of clothes with her since she wanted a new "life" she rummaged through the multiple boxes and found her briefcase. She grabbed the photo of her beloved beach boys and put it in there to put on the desk. A car pulled up and honked. She picked up her glasses and put them in her bag and some money too and hurried to the car locking the door before sprinting in heels to the car and climbing in. She had decided to go for her normal look of black pencil skirt and white button up shirt. She looked and noticed the guys from yesterday weren't in the car. "Umm... Where's the band?" The driver smiled a kind smile "sorry madam. It was requested that they take a different car today. They'll be in the studio later but Brian wants you to show you where you work." She smiled and nodded ok before he drove down the road.

"So you're the secretary?" She smiled at the drivers attempt at making a conversation. "Yes. My name is Leah" she looked out the window looking at the buildings. "Well I'm Henry. I mainly drive the Beatles to the studio or I take Mr.Epstein to the office." For the rest of the trip it was silent. The sound of cars and the radio quietly playing were the only things she could hear.

The car stopped at a tall building that blended into he others making it dull. She climbed out the car and thanked Henry before turning round and heading back. She walked in and saw Brian waiting for her. "Hello Mr. Epstein." She said walking in with a smile. "Leah! Take this card and wear it at all times. It will tell security that you work here and tell them you're the secretary."she nodded and walked to a lift where the top floor button was clicked. "Now I have some work for you. Not a lot. Just to ease you into the work. Then you can meet the band." He said waiting for the lift. "Well I met them all yesterday sir. Paul lives across the road from me and he came to say hello. He took to to change some of my money and invited the rest of the band over for some tea and talk with me." Hearing this made him feel more secure. "You can help the boys and when they're on their brake how about talking with them." He clicked his fingers getting her attention. "Maybe you walk around the building and possibly meet other band managers. Loads of bands play at the building. Open your range out to other bands and chat with them. I'm sure they won't mind." She nodded her head and the dorms opened.

There was a walkway and a desk having only a phone with a spinning chair round the left corner. "Your area. I'll be giving you some reports and letters to write." She nodded and sat at her desk. Pulling out the photo and placing into the table. "Miss you guys." She said quietly. Then placing her glasses on and looked in her bag for a pen and was lucky as she had left one in there. She sighed and 2 piles one of letters and another of reports were placed on the table. They weren't big piles but still looked a challenge. "If you have any question feel free to ask." He said smiling before leaving. She rummaged through the draws and finding a radio in a draw "jeez what a large draw." She looked for the batteries and luckily they were in there. She put on a random station that was playing some music and started working through the papers.

-time skip-

The reports and letters were written. She mentally cheered. Occasionally the phone rung but it was small things. She passed the reports and letters to Brian who thanked and dismissed her. She cheered and looked at the time 12 exactly. She'd get lunch later she just wanted to see the lads at work. She rushed outside and Henry was there. "Hello miss Leah. Mr.Epstein said you can go see the boys so I'm gonna drop you off." He said she smiled taking her suitcase and placing it next to her as she got in and Henry driving off.

-time skip-

She thanked Henry and rushed in with a smile. She showed her pass to security and reception and they directed her to the studio they were in and she walked down. She walked in and showed her badge at the guy editing the music. The Beatles were sitting and laughing. Supposedly taking a break. She watched from the other side of the glass. The first to nice was Ringo who waved. She smiled and waved back. Ringo's smile always made her smile too. It was like his happiness could fill a room and make everyone in here happy. She properly harden spoken to him yet. Last night it was mainly John and Paul chatting with her. George didn't say much to her. He had a sense of kindness and care towards him. But he looked most caring to her. He also seemed rather shy. John... Well John was a mystery to her. He seemed wild and cheeky but she felt like he was hiding something. She had said to them last night if any of them want to visit her by themselves or just wanted to come over for some tea she would be happy to see them. They all took listen to it. Paul noticed and gestured her to come in and she slowly walked in opening the door with a shy smile. "Hi... Is it ok for me to be here?" John laughed at her uneasiness "well we're all ok with you in here aren't we?" They all nodded smiling. John smirked knocking his papers down pretending it was an accident. "Whoops." He said and slowly went down to pick them up. "I've got it John. I promise I won't look at what's written." She said and went to pick them up. She bent over to pick them up. They all leaned over to take a peak at her butt. "So who's the main guy to write the songs?" No response. "Lads?" It took a few seconds. "Umm.. Me and John mainly." Paul said. She has gotten the stack of papers finally and stood up and they quickly looked away. She placed them down on a table. "Hey come you're here. Don't get me wrong. We love your company but how come you're here?" John asked. "I'm gonna be saying hi to some other managers and bands." She walked towards the door and waved them off before leaving. "Bye boys." She said leaving the studio.

"She has a nice bum."

"Just hope the stones don't try and swoon her to leave us and work for them."

Secret life of the secretery(a Beatles story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora