Chapter 7

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Leah's POV
The day out was fun with the stones. Surprisingly mick wasn't flirting with me as he usually would. But with me crying to them I would see why they would've been more sensitive with me. Her words hurt me. She said the same thing Marcus did. I was still worried and paranoid walking in town. But my home wasn't very safe at the current moment. He could be anywhere looking for me. But I had the stones looking after me. Brian said that if we found him we could all run back to his and hide until he leaves. Brian looked after me a lot. Charlie was so sweet to me and he gave me a hug once I stopped crying. He held onto me tightly which made me smile. Maybe their was people who cared for me... I just hope someone loved me and Marcus and Lydia were wrong.

When I got to my street I said goodbye to them all. Even Brian let me hug him which shocked me but he wanted to look after me. They all wanted to look after me. When I got to Paul's house I opened the door. There stood Lydia with a smirk on her face. Oh how I wanted to smack it clean off her face. I noticed my suitcase by the door. Paul angrily stormed to me. I was scared of what he was going to say but put on a brave face.

No ones POV
"Did you hurt Lydia?!" He said angrily to Leah which made her jump. "No! Why the hell would you think that?!" Lydia walked over with a proud look on her face. She raised her arm which had a red mark on it. "Because she said you did this!" He said showing her her arm. "No way! I didn't do that at all! Put my hand on that red mark. The hand print is different from mine!" Her eyes widened and she forcefully moved her arm away "she'll just hurt me again!" Leah said in a fake scared voice. Paul still looked angry. Leah huffed and picked up her suitcase. "Bye." She said in a low tone. She closed the door behind her. She walked home and opened the door. She put her suitcase down in her room and sat on the sofa with her hands covering her face. Her hair was a mess and she was taking deep breaths to tame her anger. She needed a drink.


She found a small pub not far from her house and she walked in ordering a pint and drinking away. She looked down at the wooden table in front of her and she ordered another pint. Then someone sat beside her with their drink. "Leah." She looked up to see George. He looked a little shocked to see her there. "Hey George. Didn't think I'd see you here." He looked at her tired expression. "Is it ok if I sit by you?" He asked unsure of her answer. She gave him a smile. "Of course you can. I need the company after today." He looked at her with his drink in his hand. "Tell me about it." He said.

Leah took a swig of her drink then placed it on the table. "You know Paul's girlfriend Lydia?" His face scrunched at the name. "I do. I don't like her one bit." She chucked at him. "Thank god someone else doesn't like her. I hate her. Even if hate is a strong word it best describes my disliking for her. She made me cry." This perked his ears. "What did she say... if you don't mind me asking." He put a hand on her shoulder. She smiled at the comfort. "She said no one would ever love me. That she was better than me." She looked down at the drink.

George frowned and put his cup down on the table. "Nobody likes her Leah. You're not the only one. Even Brian doesn't like her and he's only met her twice. She's toxic... but don't listen to her. Their are people who love you and care for you. I care, ringo cares, John cares, Paul cares-" she chuckled. "Maybe Paul won't after Lydia's little stunt." George frowned. "She told Paul that I had hurt her arm and she made a red hand mark on her arm. She made it herself then accused me of doing it." He was shocked. "I can't believe she'd do that." He said trying to let the information sink in. "I stood my ground against her. I insulted her. How I wanted to punch her George. I really did. But I knew that's what she would've wanted." Leah took a swig of her drink.

George raised his eyebrows up in total disbelief. "No girl has ever gone against Lydia. She likes other girls to stay away from Paul and any girl that goes near she causes trouble. I don't think I've ever known a girl to insult her. What did you say?" He asked smiling wanting to hear the insults of a woman they dislike. "I accused her of being in nude magazines and told her she puts her make up on blindfolded." He leaned back into the chair laughing. "Leah you're hilarious." She couldn't help but laugh along with George. His laugher was contagious. "It was pretty good." Then her laugher died and she had a small smile. "I might not see you guys tomorrow while you're in the studio, I don't think I can see Paul right now." He sighed then a plan formed in his head. "How about you chat with me and ringo tomorrow? I know ringo has been itching to chat with you since you haven't talked much to each other." She smiled thinking of the drummer. "His smile brightens a room. He is so cheerful when I see him I can't help but smile." George nodded. "I agree.... Leah can I ask you a question?" He said as they look at each other in the eyes.

She thought his eyes were beautiful the longer she looked she felt like she couldn't look away. "Sure." He coughed and she held her drink. "Do you like Paul? I mean you two have had moments together I can tell that he looks at you like he's in love." She was taken back by the answer. "No. No. No George. I don't like him." He smiled at the comment. "Ok then." She finished her drink. "I should go home."she said standing up. George got up. "I'll walk you home." He said. "How about you sleep on the sofa? I have a blanket and I don't know how far you live but it's too late to be out by yourself. Even if you are a beatle." She said smiling at him. "Alright then. I'll sleep over." Leah smiled and they both went to hers.


She woke up and got changed into her work clothes and walked into the living room. George was wrapped up in the blanket curled up on the sofa. Leah smiled and wrote a small note on the table for when George woke up. She went into the car and headed to the office. "Hey Henry. I have a question." She said making the man raise a brow. "What is it miss Leah?" He asked. "Would it be bad if someone like me fell in love with a rockstar?" He thought for a moment. "I don't think it's bad. But loving a rockstar has its ups and downs. Like their drug habits, alcohol problems, the possibility of them cheating. Why do you ask?" Henry said as Leah looked down at her lap. "No reason."

George's POV
I awoke on a sofa with a fluffy blanket. Then I remembered I stayed over at Leah's home. It was peaceful. The sound of a clock ticking away in the background. I sat up and noticed a note on the table. It was in Leah's handwriting. I opened the note

Thank you for listening to me. It's nice to sit down and talk with a good friend. Though I don't have many of them I'm glad you're my friend George. Thank you again .

Your friend,

I smiled and put the note in my pocket and called a taxi to get to the studio.
No one's POV
She walked to her desk but Brian stood up and motioned her to walk into his office. She took a deep breath and walked into the office. "Sit down please." She took a seat and a deep breath. "Now Leah I know you're worried about Marcus coming after you." She nodded but where was this heading too? "But out of retaliation you didn't need to hurt Lydia." She wanted to but in and defend herself but let him finish his speaking. "I spoke with Murry and he said you'd never do anything like that. So I'm just gonna give you a warning." Leah looked down nodding. She looked to Brian as if he was a father figure. She cared for him as family and even if he was her boss he seemed to care for her like a father would. "I didn't hurt her. When she went to show me the hand mark on her arm her finger marks are different to mine she has longer fingers than mine. When I tried to prove myself innocent she moved her arm away. I couldn't have done it anyway I was out with the Rolling Stones." He raised a brow confused. "How come you were out with them?" He asked his hands resting on his desk. "They took me out for lunch." He nodded and looked at her. "You don't like mick do you? I mean you and mick would be ok but you could go with Keith or Charlie or Brian or maybe even bill but Brian seems like a nice guy." He said looking down and looking through papers. "Brian is a nice guy, Keith he seems ok, Charlie he's a sweetheart and I haven't really spoken with Bill much. But I don't like any of the stones that way sir... I mean if of them asked me out. I would give it a go. " He nodded too buried in work and she walked to her desk and started working.


After work she packed her things away. As she was packing her pens and things away she started thinking. Thinking about if she really wanted to go see George and ringo. Paul wouldn't be too happy and John might back his friend as friends should. But wouldn't that mean they'd all be against her? George and ringo didn't seem to dislike her at all. She promised ringo she's chat with him too. So she closed her bag and left the building on the way to see them.

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