Chapter 8

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She walked towards the studio. A loud gulp filled her silence. How could she look at Paul in the face? After what Lydia had done he probably never wanted to see her face again. She took a deep breath. "Nervous?" She looked to the side of her to see a small smile of Brian Jones. "I am." He put a reassuring hand on her back. "Lydia is horrible. Mick hates her after what she said and done. Making you cry. I think that's stuck in the guys head. I know it's stuck in mine. Are you ok now?" She nodded and looked down. "I don't like her either. George told me what she did after we dropped you off at Paul's. She went that far?" She nodded. "Come with me. I got some worried people who wanna see you." He held out his hand to her. She looked at him and she took his hand making him smile. It was larger than hers and she felt safe and warm holding his hand.

They went inside and went past the Beatles studio and into the Rolling Stones studio. Janis was talking to mick about something both looking serious. Charlie was chatting with bill and Keith in their own little group. Like old ladies chatting away. She looked at Brian's hand it was soft and it held hers so delicately like if he held tightly she'd break.

The door closed and Brian let go of her hand. Mick ran straight to her enveloping her in a hug. "Leah! How are you feeling. Brian's and George told us everything. I can't believe she did that and got you kicked out of Paul's place. Do you need a place to stay? You can stay at mine." He said not letting go. Leah giggled. "Slow down road runner. You're talking so quickly." He let her go and smiled. "Sorry. I just want to know if you're ok." Janis walked over and gave Leah a small hug. "I've been filled in with all what's happened. Believe me I don't like her. She tried telling me how I should sing. That I sound horrible. Like a croaky witch." Mick gave a little gasp. "I didn't know that. Jesus that woman needs a good putting in her place." He said. "That's not gonna be possible with Paul cuddled up to her. He's not changing but she's manipulating him in ways."  Brian added crossing his arms and a frown on his face. The three old women (bill, Charlie and Keith) walked towards Leah and all now stood in a circle. "Well we have an idea. A honey trap." Keith said. "I see where you guys are going." Janis said. Leah and Brian nodded knowing what would happen. Mick was confused. "I don't get it." Keith slumped hush arm over his shoulder. "You are the honey trap." Mick thought for a moment. "What would I have to do? Charm her?" He said. "Well she's already charmed by you. She gawks at you." Bill said. "I don't know if that's a good idea." Leah said all eyes faced her all faces asking why. "I don't want you to end your friendship with Paul in such a brutal way. I want you two to stay as friends. Maybe their is another way."

Just then there was a knocking at the door and George walked in. "What's this? A mother's meeting without me?" They turned to George. "Hey George. Thanks for inviting me for tea and biscuits the other day." Janis said smiling. "It was nothing. I wanted to catch up with you." He looked at Leah. "C'mon Ringo wants to chat." Leah gave a nervous smile. And waved goodbye walking with George towards the studio.

When they got to the door she stopped. "I can't do this. I can't go in there. Paul's in there. What will he say to me? George looked at the her eyes, full of fear. "He won't do nothin' I won't let that happen..." there was a short bit of silence. Neither of them moving. "I asked last night if you liked Paul. Because ringo has a crush on you. He was worried you were in love with Paul and had no change with you. He was a bit distressed when he told me."

Flash back in George's POV

I was making a sandwich. It was quite the sandwich but I could eat it all. Then I heard a frantic knocking on my door. I huffed and put my sandwich down and walked to the door. I opened to see a distressed ringo. "You alright rings?" I let him in and he sat down. He looked so sad. "What's got you feeling like this?" I sat down but not before grabbing my snack. "I like her." I raised a brow. "Who?" He sighed in shame and looked to the floor . "Leah. I like Leah."I sat back in my armchair. "Mate you've only seen her twice. What makes you think you have this crush on her?" I was utterly confused. We hadn't know her long and he's telling me me he likes her. What? "It was like love at first sight." I looked at him to see if he was joking. His eyes said he was being honest. "That sounds like something the fan girls would say." His head sunk down. "I know. But when I saw her when she walked into the studio I smiled and waved at her and she smiled back. I felt my heart leap. I know being a guy it sounds all girly but that's how I feel." He sighed in defeat. "She probably likes Paul anyway. I see the way he looks at her." I walked towards him. "Rings. It's ok. It don't sound girly one bit. That's your feelings. Everyone's got 'em. I can ask her when I see her if she loves Paul... if you want." He looks at me. Eyes welled up with tears. "Really? You'd do that for me?" I smiled at my friend. "Yeah. I'll ask away from everyone else." He grinned and wiped his tears on his sleeve. "Thanks George." He got up and with a big grin left my house.... but then I heard a voice all to familiar.

"Oh Liam. You're so funny and cheeky."


Flash back over and no ones POV

"Wait, wait, wait. You heard Lydia's voice? With a guy named Liam?" He nodded but raised a brow. "Yeah. I tried telling Paul but he won't listen. Why are you so curious?" A slow clapping was heard and both turned to see a smirking John. "Well... isn't this something. Didn't think rings would have a cute crush on you." George crossed his arms. Looking a little puzzled. "I'll see you inside." I nodded as he left. "I didn't think you'd speak to me again." Leah said shuffling away from him. "I didn't plan to. Well until you apologised." She looked back shocked.

"Apologise for what?" He walked closely to her, no space between the two. John being a little taller Leah had to look up. Johns hands lightly brushed her own he looked down to her eyes. He felt like he would kiss her again. "The other day, That kiss." His breath smelt of cigarettes and alcohol. His hot breath mixed with hers. Leah looked away but felt his gaze on her and their bodies still close. His fingers begged to be entwined with hers but she wouldn't allow it. "It was a heat of the moment. We got lost in each other." He moved his hand to her chin and looked up to him. "Not for kissing me. For stopping." She wanted to kiss him all over again. Their bodies so close, his light brown eyes, his sharp jaw and perfect teeth. His other hand traveled to her waist. "Give me a chance." Her eyes widened. "A-A chance? For what?" He chuckled. His voice smooth as silk. "Don't be so innocent Leah. Give me a chance. I'll show you a man. Not a boy who already has a girl and treating you second best." She felt like Paul would never like her more than 'that secretary' she wanted to bury her hands in johns hair but felt it would be wrong. "I could treat you better than ringo could." She felt so conflicted. She felt like she was betraying them all. But she wasn't with any of them. But she felt as if she could love one of them she would tear the boys apart.

"I have a question for you John." She said slowly forming a plan in her head. She wanted to know if he really cared. He nodded as he pulled her close and her hands moved to his face and placed them ever so gently on his cheeks. "Is this for lust? Or love?" He was taken back with her question. Not offended, shocked. He let her go and Leah moved her hands to her sides. Looking at him to answer. "I-I" he was lost for words. He didn't know. He just felt this urge to be by her but he wasn't sure if it was love or lust. He couldn't think properly or once with an answer and could only think of one thing.

He walked to the bathrooms.

"I would've guessed it was lust and no actual love." She walked into the studio with a frown until she saw ringo grinning. She couldn't help but giggle. Paul wasn't in sight. "Where's Paul." She asked ringo, George was playing guitar and answered for ringo. "He's out having a smoke." She nodded. "You wanted to talk to me?" His cheeks dusted pink and looked away grinning. She couldn't help but laugh at his awkwardness. "George told you then?" He asked presuming it was about his crush on her. "That you want to talk to me? Yes he made you sound like an eager beaver." She laughed and ringo looked in awe like he had seen an angel. "You ok there ringo?" She asked. He nodded. "I wanted to ask you an important question." Ringo looked at George and got up and left. "Sure ringo. What's wrong?" He messed with his rings looking down. "Can we go on a date?" He said quietly waiting for the blow of rejection.

The door flung open and Brian walked in gaining their attention. "Since the incident happened with Leah and Lydia she cannot stop at Paul's no longer."Leah looked down and twiddled her fingers. He noticed ringos face "you ok ringo? Do you need some water. You're looking rather red faced." He got up to leave the room to get water.

"So where do you wish to stay? Everyone here says you're welcome to stay at theirs."

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