Chapter 4

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Leah woke a few minutes before her alarm. She stretched and prepared herself for the day. Filling her suitcase with what she needed. She ate some breakfast and walked towards Henry in the car. "Hello Henry." He smiled "Hello miss Leah." He said as she got in the car. Brian was sitting in there. "Leah. I didn't thank you properly for becoming the secretary." She nodded. "No need to thank me sir. This is a wonderful opportunity for me." he nodded and we got to the office building. She sat at her desk as Brian handed her some papers and told her to sharpen some pencils. She nodded and started work.

An hour into work she received a phone call. "Hello?" A cheerful voice came from the other side of the phone. "Leah. It's mick." He said. She rolled her eyes. "Hello mr.jagger." She could tell he was smiling on the other side "call me mick." She raised a brow. "Ok mick. What did you call for?" She asked. "I wanted to know if you were up for dinner?" He said flirting. She giggled on the other side of the phone. "I will have to decline unfortunately." She said smirking. " I'm busy with work and I had planned to go see someone else." He paused. "Does that mean your single." She laughed. "Yes I am. But why are you so interested?" She said as she continued to fill out papers. "No reason." He said. "I have to go now. Another call is coming through." She put the phone down and continued working. The phone rang and she answered. "Hello?"

"Hey baby." She gasped and dropped her pen. Causing the attention of Brian. He stopped and looked. "How did you get this number?" She asked in a shaky tone. "Oh baby. You know I have my contacts" He said. Brian got progressively more worried. "Why are you calling me?" She said tears in her eyes. "So about that girl I cheated on you with..." she swallowed "Maria?" She said in a shaky tone. "Yeah Maria. Turns out we aren't made for each other. Can we.. maybe talk and possibly get back together?" She looked up at Brian. She had tears falling down her cheeks. Her hands were violently shaking, her breaths were shaky too, she was pale and her face held shock. Brian didn't know who was calling her but he was worried about what her next action would be and what she would say. "No. Never call me again" she was clenching the phone her fingers turned white.

She put the phone down and looked at Brian. "In my office. I have some tea." She nodded. They both walked into his office and he made her some tea. The phone rang and she was going to answer it. "Leave it. Sit down for a second you look like you're going to pass out." She sat down and she was given her tea. "Care to explain?" He said. So she explained who Marcus was and what had happened. The entire time his attention was on her never looking down at the work. It was a comforting feeling for her. "I can tell you're a strong girl Leah." Brian said. "But you have to fights your battles by yourself, you sometimes need help from others. This Marcus guy is gonna be trouble. I can tell. If he bothers you again tell me." She was confused of what he would do but nodded. She drank her tea with him in peace every now and then the phone rang but she was told to ignore it. "Head home. I can tell this has left you shaken. I need to call a few people." She stood up and took a breath. "Thank you sir. I'll walk home." He nodded and looked at the papers. "Call me Brian." He said as she turned and left.

She walked home and took in the environment around her. Cars, large buildings, a variety of shops. It had a different feel to America. Like more peaceful. She couldn't help but wonder how he got her number. Maybe she should write to the beach boys and ask if they know anything about it. She needed to do some investigating.

Leah's Pov
When I got home I ran a hot bath and took a deep breath. Why would he want to do this to me? Why does he want to come back? I have money, I have a happy life. I didn't need to support his drinking and love of spending. When he left he took all the stuff and I had to clean the countless bottles of alcoholic drinks. It was like I had a party in my small apartment. Why did I propose? Oh yeah I didn't want to be lonely. He told me for so long that no one else loves me. But Paul cared for me and so did the others. I then heard knocking on my door. I unplugged my bath and got into my night dress.

I opened the door to see John. "John? What's up?" I let him in and I put the kettle on the stove and walked to John. He was standing around and it caused me to chuckle. "John. You can sit down." He said nothing and sat down. This made me worry. "John?" I took a seat by him. "I head about that Marcus guy. What he did, what he was like. Why would you want to marry him?" I looked at the floor in shame "he told me... he told me that no one else loves me. No one would love me. No one else could stand me." He looked into my eyes. I felt like I could instantly trust John. Like he himself had his own demons under his bed. " Leah. Me and the boys we care, me and you haven't spoken much but from what I can tell you're a good person." I smiled and nodded. "I can tell you have a spark to you. Like a flame of sass." I giggled and looked at him. We shuffled closer but ever so slightly. "I guess I do. I just haven't needed to be sassy to anyone yet." I said. "Look at me." I turned to look at him and met with his eyes. "I can tell your full of attitude John." I chuckled. "I want to know you John. You're like a mystery to me. Let me know you." He put a hand on his cheek. He's so warm. We inched closer I felt his breath on me it smelt of cigarettes and alcohol. "I'll let you know me." We inched closer as my hands rested on his shoulders and his hands moved to my waist. The kettle started whistling as we kissed. There was passion. Like our flames becoming one.

It was only one short passionate kiss. Before-


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