Chapter 9

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A little cameo of Jim in this chapter. I did look up if Janis was ever friends with Jim and according to the Janis Joplin website they did meet at one point. So he makes an appearance. Enjoy!

"That all really happened?" Leah nodded in response and Janis took a sip of her drink. She decided to stay away from all the drama to crash at Janis' for a few days. "I guess you could say you're a Beatles dream." She laughed while Leah was reading her book. "I'm not enjoying the attention if I'm honest." She said putting her book down and rubbing her eyes. That confused Janis. "What. How come this would be any girls dream!" She exclaimed. "Yeah but I'm just a secretary. Their secretary. If I was to date one of them I'd probably loose my job and I've worked hard to get where I am." She sighed and let her head on a pillow. Her hair was down and make up removed. And was relaxing in her nightdress. "Well does it say in your contract?" She looked at Janis. "No.. but Even if I did date one of them I feel it would break the band apart." Then there was a knock on the door. "I invited a friend round." Leah sat up and looked at her tea which was sitting on an old worn out coffee table. "Nice to see you again Jim." She said but not seeing who this Jim was. Then she head their footsteps.

There stood a very attractive young man with dark and a cheeky smile. He wore a jacket and leather trousers. He smiled at Leah and took a seat beside her. "Hello I'm Jim. You must be..." she smiled and shook his hand. "Leah." He gave a relaxed smile and just said "Leah." in a calm and soft tone. Something clicked on her head. Leah quickly turned to Janis. "Please say he's not involved with our plan." She quickly shook her head. "No no no Leah. He's not. Don't worry." Jim raised a brow and sat in a relaxed posture while Leah sat upright and her hands on her lap. "What's this plan you're on about?" Me questioned. "You want me to sleep with her?" he pointed at Leah looking at looking at a laughing Janis. "God no. It's about Paul." he nodded understanding. "You want me to sleep with Paul." Leah burst out laughing. He chuckled at Leah. "Then what's this plan?" He said between laughter. "It's about his lady friend." She said passing him a drink. "Lydia the leech." Leah caught her breath and sat back up. " we need some evidence of her cheating. George tried telling Paul about this Liam guy she was with but he didn't believe. We need a camera." Then Leah clicked her fingers "Ringo owns a camera!" She exclaimed. "And ringo likes you." Janis said in a teasing voice. Jim raised a brow looking at her. "He likes you?" Janis laughed and was in her armchair. "Yep, and John likes her and I think Paul likes her." Leah rolled her eyes. "It's obvious according to George." Janis hummed. Jim was astonished. 3 very famous men fawned over her and she was spoilt for choice hadn't made a move with any of them. "They all like you?" Leah could only nod. "Yep. But I'm just the secretary." Jim scoffed. "Well you must be more than the secretary to them." She sighed. Janis walked towards her and sat on the floor to look into eyes. "You're definitely more than a secretary. You're their friend, you're my friend, you're the stones friend. I saw how Brian looked at you. He really wants to look after you. We all do. We know how shit life has been and we wanna give you a good life." Jimmy who has no idea just sat back watching Leah look at Janis in shock. She felt safe, she felt loved, she felt loved by all her friends. Forgetting about the problems with love. Leah closed her eyes and smiled letting a tear fall. "Thank you." Janis smiled. Then the sound of a bubbling pot was heard. "Shit." Janis has bolted into the kitchen.

"You know. I used to be in love with janis?" Jim said causing Leah to look shocked "shut the front door!" He laughed "I was. We met at a party. We were talking but she looked amazing. She is amazing. I had a few drinks and I can get a bit... crazy and Janis is a charming drunk. I kept asking her for... you know but she kept rejecting me and I loved that. She was disgusted in me and she decided to leave then I said something and can't remember but the next thing you know I'm pulling her hair and then I don't remember the rest. But our manager refused to give me her number." Leah raised her brow at him. "Then how did you find out where she lives and how come you two are friends?" He looked away with a small smile. "I bumped into her and gave her some flowers to say sorry and if we can just be friends and I won't drink in front of her or when I'm with her." Janis walked in with spaghetti. " made some spaghetti for us all." She said smiling.

Paul's POV

I sat on the sofa crying. Me and Lydia had an argument and had gone out to blow steam. I can't believe I said that. I accused her of cheating. It was just a hunch, my anxieties got to me, what George said really stuck with me. I always had a worry in the back of the head she might be. Something else block my thoughts, from writing music to sleeping. No even Lydia can pull my thoughts away from her. My feelings for Leah. When I did met her I felt butterflies and since then the butterfly feelings got stronger. Hen I saw her with John I couldn't help a fire build up on me. The fire wouldn't go until I had her beside me. What's wrong with me?

I think I have a plan...

John's POV

I lay in bed. Tossing and turning trying to get to sleep but her question still remained "Is this for lust? Or love?" I gripped the blanket tight squeezing my eyes tight taking a deep breath. I stand up and walk to the window. How I wished her arms wrapped around me to comfort me and my thoughts. Everyone loves me and yet I find this one woman who won't worship me and I'm completely insane about her. When we kissed it felt light fire and passion, I just didn't want to stop. I wanted to melt into her touch.
I feel angry with her. More importantly I'm angry at myself. I jumped myself on her. I let my heart do the thinking and my mind lost control on my body.  I took a breath and realised. Maybe it is love?


I Hoped you liked this chapter. I was on a website about Janis Joplin and it listed her friends and i was interested and a little shocked to find out what happened.
Here's what it said:

His meeting with Janis Joplin was a classic. Around this time Paul Rothchild decided he should get Morrison and Joplin together since he was working with both of them. He described what happened to Blair Jackson in Bam Magazine: 'I thought here's the King and Queen of rock 'n' roll. They should meet. So I got them together at a party in Hidden Hills. They both showed up sober and are getting along great. Jim is fascinated by this remarkable girl and of course Jim was also a fascinating guy and really good-looking. Janis loved to fuck. That was her single greatest pastime. She saw this hunk of meat [Jim] and said, 'I want that.' Jim would get drunk most days and this was no exception and as usual he got rude, obnoxious, and violent. He turned into a cretin, a disgusting drunk. And Janis, who was a charming drunk, was really put off by him. Well, the more Janis rejected him, the more Jim loved it. This was his kind of match. Janis finally said to me, 'Let's get out of here,' and we went to the band station wagon that she always drove. Jim came staggering over. He reached into the car and started to say something and she told him to fuck off. She wasn't interested anymore. Jim wasn't going to take no for an answer, though, and he reached into the car and grabbed Janis by the hair. Well, she picked up a bottle of Southern Comfort she had, reached out of the car, and wailed him on the head with it. He was out cold. The next day, I saw Jim in rehearsal and he said to me, 'What a great woman! She's terrific! Can I have her telephone number?' He was in love. Physical confrontation was his thing. He loved violence. I had to say, 'Jim, Janis doesn't think it would be a good idea for you two to get together again.' And they never did. He was crushed

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