To All 3 Of You.

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I know that voice.

Spoken through strain and pain and cocktail pills burning throat. The overture to scenes too like movies to be real and too gruesome to be on screen. I have heard it with my own ears and seasoned my own words with its sorrow. Sign of danger flashing lights red blue and white.

I know that voice.

More scared than sad. When that tone takes over I know it is too late the decision has already been made and they no longer have control of the outcome. The mind controls the body and put on autopilot anything can happen. I have seen the ending of this voice a reoccurring nightmare. Pistol shot cuing the race no one will win. Running. Running. Catching up to a mind unhinged, you cannot calm delusion.

I know that voice.

The ticking of a time bomb you cradle close to your chest hoping your steady heartbeat will remind them of theirs. Hoping you absorb as much of the shock as possible so there will be some identifiable remnant of them left, even if there is none of you. Even if there is none of you. And I swear there is less and less of me to recognize.

Why is everyone in my life in search of a way out?

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