To Jon.

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I like the highs and lows of the human condition. I can control a lot. I can control nearly everything. Humans have more power than they know or are willing to accept because it is better to pretend to want something so dangerous than actually wield it, I can control nearly everything and I have. When things became too insane I went down into the pit of my stomach and flipped the switch. I know what it is like to command your body to feel something to be someone to believe a lie I have repeated to it over and over again etched into my skin with the lead tip of a pencil, metal shards of a broken pen. 

I like the lows because they remind me of the highs. I live in extremes at all times but night when I let my heart rest. Beating a thousand times a minute is a lot to handle I do not want to ask too much of it. I like the highs and lows because they remind me I am human. Not god or ground or clouds that separate, my feet tread lightly on this earth. I am a mere visitor, my stay not extended beyond the few years needed to sew the seeds placed in my pocket at birth. 

I am but a seamstress, deliverer of messages from the universe, return address being the moon to which I will one day return. I want to stop by heaven first, say hello to the souls already making their place there. Hello to Jessie with her jars of joy and Tamir with his nerf gun toys free to play as much as little black boys please hello to uncle Jason who smiles at me so fondly, so fiercely. I talk to him often and it is good to finally hear his answer, smooth oak tree voice. 

I exist in impossibly high highs and lows beyond the point of pitch black darkness, I like it this way. 

It will make the moon all the brighter to return home to. 

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