To Nick & Micah.

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Sometimes people are only for one day, for a few hours, for a single afternoon. Sometimes strangers stay strangers except for the four hour and twenty two minute flight you spend talking to them about the things strangers talk about, making you only halfway strangers by the time the wheels hit the runway and you take off running once more.

Doin it all for love.

I am addicted to the moment right before the beat drops, right before shit hits the fan, before everything goes to hell. The moment between okay and not. Between dented smile and detrimental destruction. Adrenaline only lasts so long before it turns to pain. I don't chase highs but I'm constantly fighting lows, is that the same thing? I disappear a lot. Only for moments at a time, to where it's barely noticeable. I like things that are barely noticeable. I live for those who are, and things that are, barely noticeable, then get mad when they go unnoticed.

Brooklyn is covered in a grainy golden hour VSCO filter at 6:04 AM with my glasses off.

Some people stay for longer than seconds, sticking around for entire seasons. Sometimes the change is drastic. One day the sun is screaming, the next it's storming ice and snow. Sometimes it's more subtle. I prefer it drastic. I prefer all things drastic and clear, even if I operate in the gray area.

Most people don't understand my writing. Maybe it's not supposed to be understood. It's for myself and whoever else comes along with that golden heart I'm forever searching for. I hate no one and love even fewer. My mind moves a hundred thousand miles a minute, racing against my heart. My blood is made of glass, I am no longer capable of bleeding. There is nothing to spill. My veins are made of diamond, they cannot be cut. You can try. With all your strength you can try and I will smile as you saw through each layer of me, waiting to strike the part that is human, that can hurt, I will smile as you search and find nothing. I already know what lies beneath my skin, I've searched it myself with flames and inked pen tips.

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