To Caro.

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It's red and shining and smoke burns like stars, the air stings to smell sweat and alcohol. a floor of puzzle pieces everyone trying to stick and stay stuck. I'd swear I was dreaming if the light wasn't glaring in my eye and nicki blaring in my ear. flames flickering a signal of excitement.

I am terrified and hopeful.

Every wandering hand brushing my back sends me into something between panic and pleasure. i wish i had a flag to rep and hips that knew more than warmup isolations. now i understand the saying packed like sardines. like mint gum and Cantu curls and hand in Pockets and the only girl on her phone who can't take a single second to stop and live. To feel the vibrations in the soles of her feet up through her spine.

I love the smell of cologne and weed all mixed. all the girls here are so pretty and all the boys have that hair i like. Why is everyone looking for something? Like it's a contest. It's impossible not to touch at all times. An entire language I never even heard much less speak don't get too close to the center.

She's the most amazing girl I've ever seen in my life. i feel pale and thin and halfway asleep. Sweat glistening like sparkles not a deep breath to be had. This is the opening to a black mirror episode.

We're all chasing things.

Trying to be the people who taught us what was worth chasing.

My Apologies to the Moon Where stories live. Discover now