To the Healers.

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I do not want to be remembered I want to be forgotten. I do not want the sting of death to pang anyone's chest.

Do not cry for me. Do not cry for me. I will not be there to wipe your tears.

My mother says I am a healer, really I am just terrified of pain. Terrified of hurting others in ways that cannot be mended. It has been known to happen. I have been known to hurt.

My mother says I am a healer but it does not count if I am the one who cut them to begin with. I've got steady hands. Type to take splinters out of wincing kids' fingers my mother says I should be a surgeon. All of this to say

I will try not to hurt you.

I will give it everything I have. I will use my steady hands to hold you close to my chest so my heartbeat can remind you that I am human and you are too.

But I cannot promise you love. Because with love comes the lack of if.

And I cannot promise you warmth. Because warmth always cools to bitter cold.

And I cannot promise you forever. Because I do not plan on being here much longer.

But I can promise you a place to come back to while I am here. A home where I wish there was one for me. It is lonely living life on borrowed time trying not to hurt but as I said before there is not much life left to live.

I hope I see you on the other side.

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