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I quickly type the notes from the projector onto my laptop, I look up to make eye contact with my professor. Seeing him point to certain things at the board, he stops and walks over to his podium. I watch as his hand grabs a stack of paper, I take my focus off of him and focus on to the laptop. After a few minutes pass I see a hand slide me a sheet of paper, I look up and see him smirk at me.

(Professor)- "This is the new assignment, it's due on Tuesday." I nod and take the paper, I take my tiny backpack and put it in. I look up again to still notice him looking at me.

(Alana)- "Mr. Will do you need anything else?" He shakes his head and walks away. I roll my eye's knowing we are the same age. 

I take my laptop and shut it, I quickly put it away. I pull my bag up to my shoulder and walk out of the class, hearing other's talking. I pull out my phone seeing multiple text messages from my friend, Ella. I text her 'I'm on my way' while quickly walking to our dorm room.

I run up the 2 flights of stairs and walk up to my dorm room, I take my key out and open it. I walk in and find nobody. I throw my bag onto my bed, and plop down. I close my eyes, I then hear a slam. I look up and see Ella out of breath and shocked, I sit up and see her throw her bag onto her bed. She jumps on mine and pulls out her phone with a picture.

(Ella)- "What's this?" I look down and see Mr. Will handing me the paper, I shrug and delete the picture. "Hey!" I get up and go over to the bathroom.

(Alana)- "Hey nothing, in the photo he's only handing me a paper. Nothing else happened, I'm starting to get tired of everyone at this school. I honestly wish I was born before this fake time, no lie." I tie my hair up and lift my tooth brush, putting toothpaste on it. I start to brush my teeth while looking over at Ella, with a sad face.

(Ella)- "I'm sorry, trust me I know how you feel. These rumors were starting to get in my head." She walks over, I hold my position while still brushing my teeth. "I promise, i'll stop." I look over at her not amused, I turn and spit out the toothpaste. I feel her hug me tightly, "Please forgive me?"

(Alana)- "You're lucky I love you" I see her smile in the mirror, I hug her back. She backs away and goes over to her bed, I see her start the assignment which was signed today. I wash the rest of the toothpaste out of my mouth, I walk out with the towel wiping my face.

I go over to my medium-sized dresser, I pull out an under shirt. I throw it onto my bed while walking over to the closet we both share. I grab my zipped up outfit, I walk over and gently place it on my bed. I pick up both clothing and stroll over tot he bathroom, hanging it up. Before closing the door to change I hear a piercing scream roar. I quickly open the door and see Ella scared, looking over to me. I run out of the bathroom and open our dorm room door.

(Alana)- "The scream was across our room, it had to be. It sounded close as hell!" I see her nod on the bed scared, "Stay here" I walk up to the door and struggle to open it. I then feel the door handle, lightly shift open. I walk in and notice blood going into the bathroom, I walk forward seeing a dead body.

I walk closer and examine it before the Police come, I kneel down and see a half eaten heart next to the victim. I curse under my breath seeing her roommate nowhere to be found.

(Alana)- "Werewolf.." I hear footsteps walk closer to me, I turn around and see Ella's confused face.

(Ella)- "A what?!" I slap my face and walk up to her.

(Alana)- "Uh--Where's the police!? That's what I said, they're not here yet! Call them." I say while exaggerating.

(Ella)- "Right! right! I'll dial them now" I see her run out, speed dialing the police. I slap my cheek once again, pissed at myself.

(Alana)- "This is why I really need to stop hunting, I'll leave someone to deal with this, I've got a job and an assignment due soon." I walk out the room shutting the door behind me, I quickly scan for any sulfur before changing my attention to somewhere else. "I've got to stop".

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