Rough Introductions

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I look at Jake and hold up an 'Ok' sign, I look back at both at them. I hit the Agent's arm off of my chair. I stand up and dust myself and proceed to walk outside, once I do I watch as the tall Agent's hand points to the side of the building. I roll my eyes and walk to the side, I turn around and see both men blocking my escape route.

(Agent Plant)- "Who are you?" I take out my wallet and slide it across the floor, they pick it up and read my Driver's License. "Alana Smith or is that your fake name?" I chuckle and look down.

(Alana)- "You two are acting like I'm in the wrong also, I know what you guy's do." They exchange doleful looks, the green eyed man opens his mouth and then closes it, and then opens it again.

(Agent Birkley)- "You're telling me, you know what we do?" I nod after his response, "Okay then tell me sweetheart." I point to his low torso, he looks down confused and a bit flattered.

(Alana)- "I'm not pointing at know what. I'm pointing at the gun you have behind your back, hunters seem to carry guns there." I watch as he checks his back, his eyes get wide. He straightens his back and points at me.

(Agent Birkley)- "Okay then, how do you know about Garth and the sulfur?" I raise my arms in defeat, I then quickly put them down. I walk closer seeing the tall man flinch, going to grab his gun.

(Alana)- "Calm down, you're acting like I'm a killer. Anyway's I know Garth because he used to be my neighbor. That sulfur question you asked is what demons leave, it always smells like rotten egg." I watch as both men loosen up. "Now are you two gonna tell me your names?"

(Agent Birkley)- "I'm Dean and this is my brother Sam." I nod my head a few times and walk back a bit, I use my foot and scratch something on the floor.

(Alana)- "Now was that so hard?" I look back and see their expressions change into annoyance, I walk up to them again. I grab Dean's hand and take out the sticky note I gave. "Now that I've answered all your questions, I'll be taking my number back. I'll see you never." I say while walking past them, hearing them chat until it silences.

I walk into the building seeing Jake watch me, I look over and smile. He smiles and continues to do his work. I walk to my desk and pull in my chair, I grab my mouse and start clicking away, trying to find any records on Andy Will. Hours go by and I hear a chair roll my way, I look over to my right seeing no one, I then turn left and see Jake. He watches my screen confused, I quickly close the tab and open my report that I've finished.

I watch as he opens his mouth until my phone goes off, I pull out my phone and see my alarm go off. Meaning that my work is done for the day, I roll out of my desk and collect my things. I quickly walk out of the Department and look at Ella walk out of our dorm. I shrug and start to walk towards her, until she get's in a car. I stop and focus on my dorm, I walk and arrive seeing her stuff all messy.

I throw my phone on my bed and grab clothes I plan to wear, I grab them and change quickly. I then run over to my laptop and shove it into my bag, I toss it over my shoulder until I hear a ringing. I pick up my phone and see Garth calling me again, I answer it.

(Garth)- "I see you met the Winchester's."

(Alana)- "The Winchester's? Sam and Dean?" I hear a hum and I roll my eye's, "I almost got killed, but it's all normal, seems like hunters are still crazy nowadays." I hear him chuckle, until I suddenly hear the door open from my doing. I walk out and lock the door.

(Garth)- "Got any in-tell on Andy?" I sigh and look at both sides on the street.

(Alana)- "Nope, I'm going to use a library computer and my laptop to track his records. I tried in the department but I could've been caught." I run over and start walking west, I pass the coffee shop and watch an impala drive by.

(Garth)- "Great, after you get the in-tell just text me, I'll spread the word."

(Alana)- "Okay, I got to go I just arrived to the Library." I walk in seeing the same Impala parked in the parking lot. I walk in and shake my head hoping it isn't Mr. Will.

(Garth)- "See you around, be careful." He then ends the call, I find a table and sit down quickly and pull out my laptop.

(Dean's Point of View)

I start reading books, groaning at the thought of actually reading this crap. I look up and see Alana speed walking through everyone, trying to find a table. I turn to Sam and nudge him, making him look and spot her. I start to look over people's heads trying to see her, once I do I notice she sat on a table and pulled out her laptop fast. I close the book and slide it to Sam, I motion him with my head saying 'I'll be over there', he shakes his head and smirks.

(Sam)- "Flirting won't get you anywhere, especially when were on a case." He looks up and then looks down, shaking his head more.

(Dean)- "I'm not flirting! Since when do you know about actually talking to girls, every girl you had ran." He looks up at me pissed, I shrug and slowly creep my way towards her. I sit across from her, it doesn't break her gaze from her laptop.

(Alana)- "Dean, I told you that I don't want to see you. I'm kind of busy right now." I try to look over her laptop, I then stop trying and slide her laptop over to me.

(Dean)- "Why are you looking for Andy Will's records? I had Garth do that." She grabs her laptop quick and slams it shut.

(Alana)- "Garth asked me to, are we done here?" He gets closer to the table, making me back up.

(Dean)- "Don't lie to me, are you a hunter or are you just a college student hiding." She stares a blank stare at me, til she looks over at Sam and then looks back at me.

(Alana)- "I like to call myself...part time. I have a little bit of everything, Winchester."

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