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(Alana's Point of View, Hours Later)

I look down and see a text, I tap on the notification. I notice it's from Dean, I save his number on my phone.

'Hey, I need the printed thing. Meet me at the nearest bar tonight.'

I roll my eyes and notice it's already night, I crawl out of my bed and walk over and get my jacket. I grab my bag and I walk out seeing the bar full, since it is across the street from me. I look in my bag and see the papers crushed a bit with my laptop. I exhale and cross the street, I walk in scoping the area, until I find Sam and Dean sitting at a table. I walk up and take out the papers, I toss it on the table.

(Alana)- "Here are the records I could pull from him." I watch as Dean takes it and starts flipping through pages. "There are no evidence that he will be connected to the murder, and there's no past records of him doing shady things. He's clean." Dean finishes looking over it and slides it to Sam.

(Dean)- "Thanks, sorry for my short notice." I nod and start to turn around, until I hear my name coming from Dean. "I'm sorry for earlier, so for a apology stay and have a drink. Or at least let me buy the first round." I turn around and start remembering the last time I drank.

(Alana)- "Alright, you're lucky I'm in the mood for a drink." I walk around him and sit down, between the boys. "Beer for a starter" I watch as Dean get's up and gets the drink.

(Sam)- "So he moved here two years ago?" He looks up to me, and then looks down reading the paper.

(Alana)- "Yeah, this is the first time he's my professor though." I adjust myself, and place my bag next to me. "He used to teach something else, before this." I get cut off seeing Dean with a beer and shots. "I told you I needed a starter."

(Dean)- "Yes you did, but you never said you didn't need a secondary start." I scoff and take the beer, chugging it a bit. I set it down and wipe my mouth, I look up and see Dean with eyebrows raised.

(Alana)- "What?" He shakes his head and continues to drink out of his beer.

(Time Skip)

I start to feel tipsy, I start swaying back and forth. I hiccup and burp, I try to focus my attention on the boys until I feel light. I start falling until Dean catches me, he looks up at Sam. He shrugs and so does he.

(Dean)- "Whoa, you alright?" I nod and shake my head at the same time. "Okay, you're confusing me."

(Alana)- "I'm fine...I just need to.." I try to get up, until I fall down again. Dean catches me again, I start to wiggle out of his grasp. "I said I'm okay.."

(Dean)- "No you're not, I'm taking you to your dorm. Sam pass me her stuff, it's by her chair." He nudges his head, over to my bag. I watch an arm grab it and pass it to Dean, I feel my body being picked up and carried. Minutes pass and I hear my door open, I feel my bed under me. I grab the covers and snuggle up. 

I then hear the door close, making me fall asleep quickly. I wake up and run to the bathroom feeling my stomach twist and turn, I throw up into the toilet. I grab a towel and wipe my mouth, feeling my body tense and heat up. I get up and splash my face with water, I look up to the mirror and see my baggy eyes. 

I splash my face again, feeling the cold hit my face. I then grab a hidden Gatorade and start drinking it, knowing it'll help me later. I drink and walk over to my bag, I grab my phone and check the time. I notice I'm late for class, I start panicking until I finally conclude that I wont be able to go to class today.

I walk over and see Ella's bed still messed up, I feel my head pound. I hate hangovers, no wonder I never drink. I grab my phone and order someone to grab food and more Gatorade for me, I wait and wait til I hear a knock. I run to the door and see Mr. Will.

(Alana)- "Mr--Mr. Will?" I look down and see a bag, I look up and put a hand on my head.

There's No Such Thing (Supernatural//Dean)Where stories live. Discover now