Not Solved Yet

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I quickly take out my silver knife and stab forward, she blocks it and kicks my head for me to fall. I quickly flip backward and stand up again, I flip it in my hand. I get in a strong pose, and start running at her. I dodge her swing and cut her cheek, making her yell in pain. She grabs her face for a second, until she looks up at me.

(Ella)- "I always knew you were different, I know you're a hunter." I scoff and toss my knife in my hand.

(Alana)- "You're acting like that's a bad thing?" I watch as Dean slowly walks behind her, until he crushes something under his foot.

She turn around and throws Dean away, I watch as Sam tries to stab her. He misses and she kicks his head, throwing him towards the curb. I watch his knife slide towards me, I quickly grab it from her. Seeing how we're only two feet apart, I kick her stomach and start trying to hit her. I elbow her face, watching her fly back. Dean tries to punch her, she dodges it and turns around. 

I watch as her fingers, grab his chest. She starts digging in, trying to get at his heart. I watch his face turn into pure pain, I look at myself from where I'm standing and get an idea. I toss my knife to land the blade in my hand, I throw it. It goes through the air quickly, it then hits her beck. Slicing all the way through, I watch as her grip on Dean stops. 

Her body falls down, I watch as a pool of blood forms around her.  I drop down to my knees, watching the ground. I notice rain drops falling, it was first light until it got more and more hard. I look up and feel my drops hits my face, I see shoes appear in my face. I see Dean, handing over his jacket to me. He gives me a hand and I take it, he lifts me up and directs me towards the car.

I watch as Sam sits in the driver seat, he guides me towards the back seat. I sit in the back, he closes the door and goes to the front with Sam. He gets in and nods towards Sam, I watch his eye look over to me. Which makes me look over to the window, I watch as we drive by my dorm and Ella's dead body.

(Dean's Point of View)

I watch her stare out the window, I then turn and face the road. I have to burn the body as soon as possible, and I have to destroy the evidence. Don't know why Ella turned, but I'm guessing she started the murder. She was a werewolf, almost tore out my heart with one hand. Who knows what else she's done, in this dorm. After minutes pass I watch as we pull up to the bunker, she gets out. 

I lead her down the stairs and watch rain drops fall from her hair. Sam opens the door and she walks in, we all feel a cold breeze hit us. She hands me the wet jacket, I put it up on the stair railing. I watch as she and Sam walk down, she sits next to the table. I watch as Sam goes into the kitchen.

(Dean)- "You know what happens next right?" She looks at me, and then looks back at the table. She raises her brows and looks back at me.

(Alana)- "Torch the body, get rid of evidence."

(Dean)- "Also we found the murderer." She looks at me wide eyed and confused, Sam walks in overhearing our conversation.

(Sam)- "Ella, was the werewolf. She must've cause this--" He gets cut off with Alana.

(Alana)- "That can't be possible, when the murder happened she was with me. Also it wasn't a full moon for her to attack, now thinking about it...she never transformed into that when it was a full moon." Sam sits down across from her, and places his forearm on the table.

(Sam)- "So someone else did this, although who turned her? Just days ago she was normal, she was herself right?" I watch as she nods, and turns to me.

(Dean)- "There must be a pack of them out there, usually wolfs go solo in this case. Who's the leader though?" I watch as she looks back at both of us.

(Alana)- "Before I saw Ella..Mr. Will came by my dorm. I order someone to get me food and drinks. I had a terrible hangover, and then he showed up with all that I needed." I look at Sam and tilt my head and look at her.

(Dean)- "He could be one of them, did you notice anything odd with him?" She shakes her head a bit before nodding again.

(Alana)- "He knew where my dorm was, and where I was last night. I never thought he would do this." She looks at me, and then looks down at herself. "Could I freshen up?" I nod and point my hand towards the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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