Testing Patience

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(Ella)- "What are we gonna do?" I shrug and walk over to her, trying to calm her down.

(Alana)- "Nothing, we don't do anything. The police with figure it out, remember we just found the crime scene nothing else." I see her nod, I get up and start to hear banging and more thumps from across our room. "Guess their actually starting to find things. Anyway's I have to finish getting ready."

I walk over to the bathroom seeing my reflection from the mirror in our room. I go in and start brushing my hair, I finish up and tie my hair. I put my brush away and take out my perfume, I spray it on myself. Before closing the bathroom door to change, I hear a ding from my phone. I peak out the bathroom down and look over to Ella, she picks up my phone and reads it.

(Alana)- "Who texted and what did it say?" She turns my phone and shows me.

(Ella)- "Turns out you're off for today, since the murder happened everyone is busy. Your boss...well the Chief texted you to not come in today." I roll my eyes and lift my hand up, she tosses my phone and I catch it with ease. 

I shove it into my pocket and grab my clothes that I prepared, I walk over to my dresser and place it on top. I notice my white t-shirt and jeans, I start to get an idea of where to go. I sit on my bed and pull up my tiny bag, I swiftly take out my laptop and paper that I got handed it class. I also take out my pencil case, I throw my bag on the floor and get my laptop bag. I get up and bring it over to the bed.

I open it and put my laptop in and my sheet of paper, I top it off with my pencil case. I zip up the bag and toss it over my shoulder. I stand up and grab the dorm keys, before walking over to the door. I then hear Ella yell my name, I turn around and see her tossing my something. I catch it and look at what she tossed me, I look up confused.

(Alana)- "Money?" She nods and slightly closes her laptop to talk to me.

(Ella)- "Yup, I know you're probably going to a coffee shop or the library. So I wanted to give a little gift for what happened earlier. That's your Starbucks money, so enjoy it and don't feel guilty or I'll punch you." She smiles and goes back to her assignment.

(Alana)- "Noted, I'll come back before dorm closing hours." I look down at my phone and see how I only have 2 hours to waste on this assignment. My goal is to at least finish half of the paper before Sunday.

I turn back to the door, I walk up to it about to twist the door knob until a knock erupts. I look over at Ella and shrug, she nudges her head forward. Signaling me to open the door, I then continue to open the door. I look up to see two men in front of me in suits, I notice the tallest man has long hair, while the other has short hair. I open the door more and notice Ella run up to us, I can feel her gawking at them.

(Alana)- "Could I help you two?" I look back to both of them, they pull out FBI badges. I closely look at them, they then quickly take it out of my focus. I watch them put it away, I lean back a bit.

(Man)- "Yes, I'm Agent Birkley and this is my partner Agent Plant. We are here because of the recent murder. We would like to ask you both some questions, since you two found the body." I nod and make more space for Ella to slip through.

(Alana)- "Shoot" I watch as Agent Plant nudges, Agent Birkley. I look over to him and notice he has green eyes, I snap out of my trance and focus.

(Agent Birkley)- "Notice anything weird with Shelly or Cassy?" I shake my head no, "Any weird noises" I continue to shake my head no.

(Agent Plant)- "Any weird smells?" I chuckle and look away, I look back to the long haired man.

(Alana)-"Other than blood? Then nope." He then chuckles and looks down, he looks back up. I watch as Agent Birkley starts to lose patience, he then eye's my bag and look up at me.

(Agent Birkley)- "Going somewhere?" I nod and cross my arms, "Sorry to be wasting your precious time, just one more question though." He says with attitude, I start to lose my own patience seeing his mood change from normal to bitter. "Smell any Sulfur?" I start to get shocked, and a bit wide eyed. Until I remember about my assignment.

(Alana)- "No, I didn't smell any rotten egg. Now I must excuse myself, before I waste anymore of my precious time. Ella accompany these two men while I leave." I look at Ella seeing her nod, I then turn my attention towards the Agents. "Have a nice rest of the day".

I walk out of the room, pushing aside one of the men. I start to walk down the stairs quickly feeling my anger rising. To distract myself from becoming a pissed off student, I felt the wind hit my face, cooling me off as I walked. As I finally calm down I notice I arrived to the coffee shop. I walk in, hearing the bell on the door ring. I walk over to the counter and start to order my drink, I asked for a Caramel Iced Coffee, once I paid I walk over to the side.

While waiting for my drink to be made, I notice only one person here. I start to look around until I hear my coffee slide on the counter. I say 'Thank You' before walking off to the corner table. I pull out the chair and place my stuff down, I slide out my assignment paper and my laptop. I open my laptop and start typing. After Thirty minutes pass I hear the bell ring from the door, without breaking my focus I just continue writing my paper.

I highlight important things on the sheet, I then put the highlighter in my mouth. Making my teeth hold in the highlighter from falling. I start finishing up half of the paper, until I hear the chair across from me move. I look up not bothered, until I notice who it is.

(Alana)- "Mr. Will?" I say while the highlighter falls out of my mouth, I then grunt seeing as my highlighter fell off the table. 

(Mr. Will)- "I got it, don't worry." I see him reach down and pick it up, he hands it over to me. I politely take it with a fake smile.

(Alana)- "Thanks..anyway's what are you doing here?" I hear him chuckle after asking that.

(Mr. Will)- "Getting coffee, of course. Although I'm sure you mean, why am I sitting here? Well honestly I saw you and I wanted to check in, since I know you're working on the assignment I gave." I nod and look at my laptop, I start to feel accomplished seeing my assignment more than half way completed.

(Alana)- "I mean, it's due on Tuesday and it's Friday so..." I watch him look down and then up, I see him smile at me.

(Mr. Will)- "Right..right.." I chuckle and start to slowly put my stuff away, I close my laptop and shove it in my bag.

(Alana)- "Well I uh--" I stand up and grab my coffee, "I gotta run since my dorm is closing so..it was nice seeing you, good bye." I then smile and start to quickly walk out of the shop, I walk outside, and peer through the window still seeing him smile at me. I wave and start to get out of his focus, while walking up the sidewalk I notice a black Impala across the street from me.

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