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I slam my laptop, and look out the window watching a car pull up. I watch as Ella hops out, she walks over to the dorms. I get up and close the window, waiting for her. I hear the door open and turn around to see her eyes droopy and tired, she almost stumbles. I catch her and lead her to her bed, I lay her down and she starts to sleep.

What happened to her? She was only gone for a couple of hours, I doubt she drink herself to death. I try and lift her up, once I do I take off her jacket. I walk over to the laundry bin, before tossing it in I see red on the inside. I open the jacket up and see a huge pool of blood splattered, I drop it into the bin. I get confused seeing her body is okay, there was no injuries or anything.

I check the time and get ready for bed, seeing how I finished my assignment early. I change into my pj's and hop into bed. I set an alarm for work tomorrow, seeing how I'll be able to wake up on time.

(Time Skip)

I hear my annoying alarm, I rise up with my eyes closed. I reach over for my phone and turn it off, slightly opening my eyes and looking around. I get up and grab my other work suit, I go into the bathroom and change. I brush my hair quickly and brush my teeth. I walk out and see Ella gone, I look over and notice the window open. I walk over and close it seeing the curtains stop moving from the wind.

I then grab a small purse and put my phone, wallet and keys in it. I walk out the dorm and lock it, I start to walk to Starbucks since I have extra time to. At some point I finally arrive, to my surprise there was no line. Just a couple of people on laptop's, I asked for my coffee and pay for it. I retrieve it and start walking to the door, until I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Sam, I roll my eyes while he walks over.

(Sam)- "Hey, I know I'm probably one of the two people you don't wanna see." I nod and look down, waiting for this conversation to end. "I just want to say I'm sorry about Dean, sometimes he can be over protective. He means well though, anyway I see that you're busy."

(Alana)- "Listen, I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't be giving you shit, just because Dean pissed me off. You're right though, I have to go. But thank you for the apology, I'm sure you guys are great. I'll see you around." I wave and turn around, walking out and releasing tension from my chest.

I then run over to my department, I walk in and out everything down. I look down and see my favorite dough nut of the desk. I look over and nod for a simple 'thanks'. I sit down and unlock my desktop, waiting for it to load. I take my hand and rest it on my forehead, falling asleep slowly.

(Dean's Point of View)

I walk in, and nod to other officers and workers. I look over and see Alana about to sleep, watching her head fall little by little. I look back and see no one, I then stare again seeing the Chief drop a stack of files on her desk. Startling her, she fixes her position and look up to see him frowning at her.

I then see the Chief say something and scold her, she nods and look back to her desktop and starts working. I watch as the Chief walks to his office, I start walk over there til I'm stopped by an officer.

(Jake)- "I'm sorry, but could I help you with something?" I pull out my badge and show him, he nods. I put it away and try to walk forward til he stops me. "Like I said, Do you need something?"

(Dean)- "I'm just here to speak with your officer and his assistant, so excuse me." Once I start to walk over I see her walk into the kitchen, I then looks over to the Chief and continue walking. I walk in and he hands over past records. "Thank you" He nods and swishes his hand away, telling me to walk out.

I walk out and shut the door, I start looking at the files. Until I look up and see Alana pass me, she goes around her desk and sits in it. I watch as her hands type away, as I leave. I scroll my eyes across the room seeing Jake stare at me, I smirk and nod. He shakes his head and changes his view towards his computer. I walk out the door and pull out my phone, I start calling Sam.

(Sam)- "Hey, what's up?" I look over at both sides of the road, and continue walking.

(Dean)- "I got the files, I'm heading over to you." I hear his laptop close and his chair pull out til he starts speaking again.

(Sam)- "Alright, now we just need the records of Andy Will."

(Dean)- "I'm on it" I end the call and get in the impala, I start going into my contacts list. Hovering my finger over Alana's number, before finally tapping on it.

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