Unwanted Help

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(Dean)- "Didn't anybody tell you it's good to not have a normal life when you're a hunter. It's the first rule in the hunter's book." She raises a brow, and starts to chuckle. "What's so funny?"

(Alana)- "Nothing, just your knowledge about hunting." I start to feel hurt, I look away and see Sam smiling at us, seeing the expression on my face. I shake my head and turn back to her. "You can be a hunter and still have a normal life, just balance it."

(Dean)- "Balance it? Your hilarious, there is no such thing as balance." She starts to put her stuff away, and pulls out a sticky note with her number on it. She looks at it, making her choice, I see her roll her eyes. She grabs my hand and slaps it in it.

(Alana)- "My number, once again is written. I'll be texting you the information, if you want the physical thing just ask. I have somewhere to be, I need to finish my assignment." I watch her walk off, I yell her name. She turns around. "What?"

(Dean)- "I want the Physical thing, okay?" I see her nod, she waves and smiles sarcastically.

(Alana)- "Sure thing, just tell me when." I watch her walk off, tilting my head a bit to see more of her. I shake it off and think about the bar I'm going to tonight.  

(Alana's Point of View)

I walk out of the library, I start feeling a vibration from my bag. I look down while walking trying to open it, once I do I grab my phone and start reading a text from Ella. Until I bump into some one, my nose hits their chest, I back off holding my nose.

(Alana)- "I'm so sorry, I was just trying to read this text and--" I look up and see it's Mr. Will smiling at me. "Oh hello, Mr. Will."

(Mr. Will)- "I see you're finishing my assignment here." I shake my head and start looking around me, seeing if something happened, at least someone would know.

(Alana)- "Yeah, yeah I was just about to take a nap. You know...from all the working." I feel the breeze of the wind, pass my hair. I look up and see his expression turns soft.

(Mr. Will)- "Alana, you're one of my best students. That's why I'm asking if you would like to--" He gets cut off, with a arm going around my body. Just the top of my shoulders, I look up and see that it's Dean. I stare wide eyed until I look over to Mr. Will. Dean then looks at me, with a smirk.

(Dean)- "I'm sorry sweetie, did I leave you out here for too long?" I look up and gulp hard in my throat, I shake my head no and look back to Mr. Will. "Hi, I'm Dean. Alana's boyfriend."

(Mr. Will)- "Hi Dean, sorry to bother you two. I was just asking about my assignment that I gave out, seeing if she had any issue." He looks at me then back at Dean, I watch as he starts to get nervous. I look away shyly, knowing things are going to change with me and my professor.

(Dean)- "It's fine." He looks down at me , and squeezes me closer to him. "Want to go now?" I nod, we turn around and start to walk to my dorm room. I turn my head to see Mr. Will so sad, my head then gets nudged back to the front of me. "Your welcome" I try to push away, but he hold a tighter grip on me. "Not yet, he might be still watching."

(Alana)- "Are you crazy!? Why would you say that to him?" I watch his smirk turn into a fine line, he looks back and clicks his tongue.

(Dean)- "This dude is a major creep, he's now walking away. I did this to save you, can't you see he is sketchy. Anyways, I only said that to him because he was about to ask you out." We then turn a corner, once we do I push him away from me. Seeing him fly back a bit.

(Alana)- "I didn't need any help, and what was wrong about getting asked out." He starts laughing, putting his hands on his hip.

(Dean)- "It was for your protection." I scoff and run my hand through my hair, seeing locks of hair fall in front of my forehead.

(Alana)- "I don't need protection, and I don't need you to save me. Like I said pretend you don't know me, just leave me alone." I storm off and hear him curse under his breath, I speed walk into my dorm and shut it. Seeing Ella still not there, I throw my bag onto my bed. I look at the clock and see that's it only 5.

I plop onto my bed and take out my laptop, seeing Andy Will's records. I save them and print them, I watch as they print onto the printer. I click out of the files and finish my assignment pissed and annoyed.

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