chaper one: kidnapped

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Keith was training. He had almost defeated the robot, when the lights went off. He heard Allura yell for the paladins and rushed to his room, putting the armor on and making his way to the bridge... Pidge and hunk arrived just a minute before him. "Pidge hunk what happened?" "Allura has been kidnapped!" Hunk yelled. They got a call from a galra ship, "lotor" Keith growled. "Hello paladins of Voltron, I have your princess and I will only return her if one of you takes her place. Choose wisely Keith" The video ends and shiro and Lance run in. "WHAT HAPPENED IS ALLURA OKE? "
"Lance *huff* calm down we only just got here"
"Lance shiro Allura has been kidnapped" Pidge explains, Lance eyes widen "WHAT? " I walk up to Lance "Lance call down and let pidge explain the rest " Lance looks at Keith and huffs. "Thank you Keith now as I was explaining Allura has been kidnapped and lotor called us. " Pidge took a breath and watched shiro and lances expression. "Lotor said that if we wanted Allura back one of us needed to go in return. " Shiro shakes his head and Lance was quiet for ones. Pidge continued "he wants us to sacrifice one of us in exchange for Allura." We all stade quiet for a moment. " Since I'm the only girl I will go"
"Pidge no, you are the smartest one here, I will go"
"Hunk with out you what will we eat? I will go for my princess"
" I will go, pidge you are needed here, to fix things if something goes wrong. Hunk you are the cook and the second smartest out of all of us, you are needed here with pidge. Lance you are the sharpshooter of our team, you are needed here and shiro you are the leader. Besides lotor called my name, I am the one that should go."
"Keith no you dont. Let the grown ups talk and make the decision. " Keith looks at shiro as if he was crazy. The group were fighting over who should go until it was time for bed. When everyone was asleep, Keith went to the bridge and called lotor. "Yes red paladin? Have you all made your decision? "
"Yes lotor we have.. Now send me your location. " After Keith got the coördinate's he went to grab his stuff and left a note to the others. After that he went to say goodbye to his lion, he said good bye and he got into an escapepot. On his way to lotor.....

A/n: hii guys I hope you enjoyed! I will try and update as soon as possible. Autor out

~satans rose🌹

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