chapter 2: lotor and bride?

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As Keith was on his way to lotor,  the castle sirens went off and the paladins ran to the bridge to see what was going on. Shiro and Lance we're the first to arrive. Shiro ran to the panel ( or whatever it is) and saw that one of the escape pods was taken. He and Lance only took one look and ran to their lions, after Keith....

Meanwhile Keith was close to lotors base and he began to have second thoughts.  'Well there's no way to get out of this one,  I have to continue for the team and the princess. '  Keith landed his pod and walked inside the base.  "Hello?  Lotor are you here?  Is anyone there? "
"Well hello red paladin" Lotor said as he walked down to Keith. "I see the others send you to negotiate with me.  Well good luck with that but I want my bride. " Keith looked at lotor confused, but stood up straight. "I'm not here to negotiate lotor you will have your bride in exchange for the princess. " " Really now red paladin?  Then where is my bride? " Just as Keith was going to answer shiro and Lance bust in. "Don't do it Keith! " Lance yells.  " I forbid it Keith! " Shiro says.  Lotor looks at Keith and smirks,  he goes to stand closer to Keith and wraps his arms around Keith waist.  "Keith will be my bride? " Keith slaps his arms away.  lotor grabs Keith's chin and whispers "You better not do that if you want your princess back red. Lotor snaps his fingers and guards rush in the room,  grabbing Lance and Shiro and holding them still.  "If you want your princess back I suggest you 2 leave or else-" Lotor looks behind him as two guards walk in with Allura. The two boys look at keith,  but Keith looks at Allura. She was weak to her knees and he couldn't handle watching her, he looked away form her and stared at lotor as lotor was grinning. "Let her go and make them leave, I will show my red bride around his new home"

Shiro,  Lance and Allura where thrown out of the castle ( or base or what ever is now a castle deal with it)  Shiro grabbed Allura by the arm and they went to the lions, away from lotor and their Keith.

Lotor was showing Keith around the castle, when they came to the infirmary.  Lotor grabbed Keith's arm and knocked him out. "Haggar he is all yours" after lotor daid that he walked away. Some droids grabbed Keith by his arms and put him on a table. Haggar did some magic stuff and infected Keith with something.  Keith began sweating and haggar smiled.

Haggar went to lotor in the throne room.  "The operation was successful my king" " Thank you haggar you may now take the boy to my room and leave him there-" Haggar nodded  and made her way to the door.  "Oh and haggar,  please be so kind to search and capture the black and blue paladins" Haggar bowed and left the room, with a smirking lotor on the throne.

edit: a/n:: sooo I re-read this book and I am going to edit some and add some where I see fit to make the story better :)
I am going on vacation soon so I will probably have more time and it you are wondering where I am going well..... I am going to turkey, to this little place called dalyan😄soo yea that's it I guess

author~Chan out,
~Satan's rose

°Mamma Said Its Oke°    [voltron klance, sheith and keitor]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz