10 ( first bad ending )

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Keith shot up in his bed painting heavy, he felt lotor turn to his stomach. 'Please let that be just a dream' Keith prayed.

Keith woke up feeling Sick, he Saw that lotor was no were to be seen and he rushed to the bathroom, puking.  He heard the door open and some one ran to his side, "Keith are you oke? " The voice of lotor rang trough his ears. " I-im fine" Keith said, his voice sounded raspy. "Keith I am going to take you to the doctor" Lotor said while he picked Keith up.

When they arrived lotor called for the doctors and they started doing tests on Keith. They found out Keith was pregnant and lotor was overjoyed, within the next few weeks lotor didn't leave keiths side. They got to hear that Keith was pregnant with three baby's  2 boys and 1 girl.

Keiths p.o.v
Lotor came inside my room again with blue and black. ' lotor didn't want me to call them by their names'
"Hello my little red, I have a big surprise for you. " "And what is that? " "The girl and one boy are the blue and black palladins children" Lance and shiro looked up at me "k-keith you• you are pregnant? " Lance said not believing that it was the truth. "Don't talk to him you filthy human" Lotor said with phenom in his voice.  He kicked lance in his stomach, lotor grabbed his sword and sliced Lance's head off. "NO LANCE " I cried out, " LOTOR PLEASE STOP! " lotor didn't listen to me. He walked to shiro, he kicked him in the stomach again and again. He kicked his face, his sides. He turned his (not robotic) arm around until I heard a sickening snap. I plead for lotor to stop but he didn't listen, he kept on going until shiro didn't move. "See my little red, this is what happens when YOU disobey or get pregnant with SOMEONE ELSE'S  CHILDREN! " I looked at lotor with feat in my eyes, I was crying. My best friend and brother had been killed because I got pregnant with their children..,....

Lotor came closer to me, and I backed away. He slapped me " If you want to do it that way" He said, slapped me again and walked away leaving me in this room. This bloody room...

I walked to the bathroom, pulling out some razor blades and pulled off my shirt. I brought a razor to my belly and started to cut my belly open, I cut and cut until I passed out....

No ones p.o.v

Lotor walked into his and keiths room. "Little red.... Baby? I am soo sorry I shouldn't have slapped you" Lotor said as he opened the door. He didn't see Keith and made his way to the bathroom where he saw his darling passed out on the floor with a cut open belly and razors in his hands... He ran to Keith "please let me be quick " He prayed, he felt Keith wrist to see if he had a pulse, with he didn't have. Lotor began to cry, guards ran in and saw their future queen dead.

Lotor was a wreck, they held a funeral for Keith and his unborn baby's, lotor cried the whole Seremony...


SOOIOOOOOO that was  a whole lot of something...... This was the first bad ending and I will make more bad and good endings soo don't worry, I decided to make more endings because of the inspiration you guys gave me and I am very thankful for that❤❤❤ see you next ending

~satans rose 🌹

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