CHAPTER #4 | Movie Night

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The First Day, they all stared at me.

The Second Day, The ginger talked to me, and I made a friend with Penny.

The Third Day, no one talked to me, except Penny, of course. She had started to call me Dolly for some reason, like the word 'doll', but with the 'Penelope Emerson' touch to it. I didn't mind.

The Fourth Day, Penny handed me a notebook and a blue marker. She had gotten bored being the only one speaking, so she wanted me to write to communicate. I didn't use it.

The Fifth Day, I still didn't write in the notebook.

The Sixth Day, I did write in the notebook. I did have somethings on my mind, and I had already gotten used to staying mute. I didn't tell her my name though. I didn't like my name anymore.

The Seventh Day, was Friday, movie night.

"Stick by me. Okay, Dolly?." Penny told me. "A lot of stuff happens on movie night, and most the time the guards don't notice, or care." She warned. I nodded. I wasn't quite sure what movie we were watching, but I figure it was a good time to daydream.

Then, during the movie, Penny stood up, said something to the guard and left, leaving me alone for a moment. Panic settled in, but I tried not to show it.

Nobody seemed to notice, making me feel a little more secure, until Jerome sat where Penny was, wearing his signature smile. I turned my head to look at him. Big mistake. His smile grew wider. My heart began to race and I couldn't seem to look away. I finally managed to get control of myself and turned my head, looking down at my hands.

"So, what exactly did a girl like you do to get locked in the looney bin, hm?" He asked me. Ignore it.

I didn't do anything. Someone else did. I don't belong here. I didn't kill them... did I? If I did, I don't remember.

"Fine, we'll play the guessing game." Jerome giggled like a kid as he turned so he was facing me. "Hm, did you kill your neighbors?" He ask, but I could tell he didn't think that was the case. He was toying with me.

"Nah, did you kill," He laughed. "the nanny?" He said, mockingly before bursting in a fit of childish giggles, but I didn't budge.

"Did you kill your dad?' He asked seriously while he got closer to me. He groaned. "Well, come on, Gorgeous. I ain't got all night. Who'd ya kill?" He asked, getting annoyed. I involuntarily smiled at the thought of me annoying Jerome as much as he annoyed me. His eyes lit up though, as he looked at me with a cocky smirk.

"Now, was that a smile, Gorgeous?" He asked, getting closer to me. My smile dropped instantly and I went back to my gloomy state. Gonna be honest, I missed the feeling of the smile. It feels as though I hadn't smiled in years.

"I bet you killed... hmm, maybe a brother? Perhaps a sister? Or both?" He said, deadly serious. How'd he know about them? Did he know the whole time and he was just playing with me.

Jerome laughed. "You did, didn't you?" Boom, he was serious again. " See, I know you did because I've got connections, princess." He said. The urge to yell at him was so hard to fight. I clenched my fist so hard my hands grew white. Jerome only smirked at the reaction.

Where the hell did Sofia go?

"I bet they deserved it, didn't they?" He said, pushing me further. Pushing me until I snapped, but I remained still. But then Jerome got closer to my face. "How did it feel? Hm?"

I couldn't take it anymore. The thought of anyone taking joy in murdering my siblings pissed me off more than I'd care to admit.

I lunged at him, punching him over and over. He didn't fight back, if anything he invited it, laughed at it. Laughed at me. That only pissed me off even more. I just wanted it to stop. the laughter, the mocking. I just wanted him to shut the hell up and leave me alone.

I felt arms pulling me away from Jerome. I fought against them, trying to hit him at least one more time, but they dragged me out the room, out of reach.

"Inmate A-110! Solitary!" You heard a guard announce.



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