CHAPTER #21 | Forgive me, Father. For I Have Sinned

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I eventually convinced Theo and Tabby to get rid of the guard outside my door and let me see Jerome again.

Jerome was going to kill his father today, which he really wanted to do. I wasn't sure why though. When I thought about it, I realized I didn't know anything about him before Arkham. Other than he killed his mom. I didn't want to pry though and I stayed silent.

Tabby was coming with us this time, because they still didn't trust Jerome after what happened. She also didn't let Jerome drive. He was rambling the whole car ride about how excited he was. I tuned him out. I mean, I love the guy, but he talks SOOOO much.

When we arrived, he stopped talking and a large smile crept on his face.

"He's on level two, room 210." Tabitha said.

Jerome laughed. "Perfect!" He grabbed my hand and ran into the building. There was a guy behind a desk, but he wasn't even paying attention. We ran into the elevator and hit the button with the number two on it, not even waiting for Tabby.

We got to room 210 and I pull out a bobby pin. "Move." I tell him as I unlock the door. I smiled when I heard the click. I threw the bobby pin over my shoulder and opened the door.

The old man wasn't home so we all just sat and waited. Then I heard the jiggle of keys coming from the other side of the door. An old man walked in, tapping his cane on the ground.

Jerome's father is blind?

"Who's there?" The man said. We stayed silent. "I know someone's there-" Tabitha wrapped her whip around his neck.

Jerome walked closer to them. "Hiya Pops, long time... no see." He laughs darkly.

Tabitha strapped his father down to a chair and covered his mouth with a piece of cloth. Jerome sat in front of his father while I wandered around the room.

"So, how you doing" He asked. His dad didn't respond for obvious reasons. "Ah, the silent treatment, huh?" He continued. I snorted. "Here, I'll tell you a story."

Jerome thinks for a moment, then shifts in his seat and leans forward. "You remember Kansas City, dad. The circus went through town every spring right around my birthday. And there was this guy. Him and my mom , they used to drink, and fornicate, and beat the crap outta me. They'd make a whole night out of it."

I stopped what I was doing when I heard him. I wasn't really expecting that. I'm not really sure what I was expecting. He just caught me off guard, I guess.

"And I remember this one time, it was my ninth birthday." Jerome stands from the chair. "Him and my mom had just finished round one of boozing, boning and beating up Jerome and were deciding to take a little break. Anyway,"

Jerome turned to the counter and started to look at the different silverware. "I was outside the trailer, and you were there. And you said 'Why are you crying Jerome?'." He imitated his father, then changed his voice to child's.

"'It's my birthday. And my mom and the snake guy are beating me.' And then you said, 'This world doesn't care about you or anyone else Jerome, better to realize that now.'" Jerome turned his head and smiled at his father. "And that was it."

He then walked to his father, holding a knife. "Y'see there's this guy dad, he believes in me, he thinks I'm gonna be a star. And tonight, all of Gotham will see that too. Except you because, you'll be, y'know, dead." Jerome spoke as took the cloth away from his father's mouth.


"Oh, it this the part where you tell me how sorry you are? Hm? How you should've believed in me, how it's not too late. News flash, dad, it's too late!" Jerome snaps at him.

"You don't have to do this." His father croaks out. I roll my eyes. "No, I'm pretty sure I do." Jerome says.

"I was a bad father, but I did love you. To kill me for that-" Jerome interrupts his father by laughing as if he just told the funniest joke in the world.

"That's not why I'm going to kill you." He turns over to the counter and lifts up a blue print off the table. "Plans to Arkham Asylum." He lifts up a stack of letters. "And look at these."

He rolls his eyes and walks toward his father and hits him on the head with them. "Letters between you and your troubled son. Innocent at first glance, but detective Gordon, you remember him, right? He'll feel little bumps. A secret message written in braille between you and your son discussing," Jerome throws the letters out of his hand and holds his arms out "my escape!"

I think I might've been asleep while we were discussing this plan because I do not remember any of it.

He turns back over to the counter and picks up a small container. "Knock out gas used to disable the orderlies." He grabs the chair and moves it closer to his father then sits down. "Cause y'see dad, this guy that I was telling you about, he's the one that broke me out of Arkham. Well, us." He winks at me. I smile at him.

"Anyway, he doesn't want anyone to know about that, obviously. So, the police will find these letters, and they'll think 'the blind old fool really loved his son, what a wonderful father'. There won't be a dry eye in the house." Jerome wipes his fake tears.

"They'll never believe it." His father says.

"Oh, Sure they will." I pipe up. "Cops are dumb and desperate."

"There's nothing to eat in this dump, finish up and let's go." Tabitha says.

Jerome stands. "Sorry you're gonna miss my big night dad, but hey, you're psychic. So tell me, do I kill?"

"You," his father begins, "will be a curse upon Gotham. Children will wake from sleep, screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death, and madness."

Wow, he's good.

Jerome leans closer. "Ha, Ha, Ha."

"Well," Jerome says casually and holds up the knife. "Say hi to mom for me."

Right before Jerome can bring the knife down, someone knocks at the door. I freeze and Jerome covers his father's mouth.

"GCPD." I hear Jim Gordon say. "GCPD. Mr. Cicero, it's detective Gordon. We need to speak with you about you son."

I grab the knock out gas and place it in his fathers hand. I gesture to the window and Jerome smiles. He plunges the knife in his father's eye. We go out the window and wait for action. I went to the other side of the hallway and Tabitha wet down the fire escape to get the car.

We saw Jim dragging his partner out and collapsing on the floor of the hallway. Jerome walked down the hallway, whistling. "Detective Gordon. Old buddy, old pal. That gas sure packs a wallop, huh?"

Jim lazily tried to hit Jerome with his gun, but Jerome catches it easily and takes it out his hand. "That's cute." Jerome pats Jim's head and laughs. Then Jim catches his strength and shoves Jerome against the wall and wrapped his hands around his throat.

"I'm sensing, anger." Jerome chokes out.

"You killed Sarah Essen." Jim says. Jerome nods at him. "Now I'm gonna kill you."

Jerome shakes his head and places the gun at Jim's forehead. Theo would not be happy if Jerome killed Gordon.

"Don't shoot him, J." I said. Jim looked over his shoulder and Jerome used that moment to hit him in the head.

"How about a little flesh wound?"

I laugh a bit. "No, no. You've had your fun." Jim looks up at me, already about to pass out. I smirk. "My dibs." I kick his face and he instantly falls over.

Jerome whistles at me and stands up. "My kinda woman." He jokes. I ignore him and turn around. "Come on, Tabby's waiting." Jerome laughs and follows after me.

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