CHAPTER #20 | Apologies, My Love

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Barbara came to check on me in the morning, which was nice of her I guess. Jerome wasn't allowed to see me. Apparently, Tabitha told Theo to put guards by my door in case he tried to give me a surprise visit.

I thought space from Jerome would be good, but I just feel like total crap. I want to see him.

I wonder what Jerome's reaction was when he saw the guards. Does he think that was my doing? I hope not. I hope he knows I miss him.

It had been four days since my argument with Jerome. I hadn't gotten out of bed since. I've had very little to eat. Barbara thinks it's Jerome's fault, she thinks he traumatized me or something. But it's because I miss him.

God, why do I miss him so much?

Barbara came into my room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey Aves." She said, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I didn't say anything.

"How are you doing?" She asked me.

"Have you talked to Jerome?" I blurt out.

"No." She lies.

"Liar." I state.

"Don't worry about Jerome. Seriously, don't. He's an ass."

I glare at her. Only I get to call him an ass.

I miss him.

I lie back down on the bed. Barbara sighs and leaves.

I miss him.



Barbara walked into Jerome's room. Jerome was sitting on the floor against the wall and glaring at the door. "I hope your proud of yourself." She said.

Jerome didn't move.

"You've traumatized the poor girl. She won't get out of bed. She barely eats." She explained.

Still, Jerome didn't budge.

"Tabby put guards outside her door, so don't even think about trying to sneak in there." She said.

That got his attention. He looked up at Barbara, surprised. "What?"

Barbara smirked.

Jerome stood up and stared at her to see if she was lying. She wasn't. He laughed bitterly. "That's a good one, Babsy. You really think you can just keep me away from her?" He chuckled. Barbara wasn't intimidated.

"You shouldn't see her. Ever. Like I said before, she hasn't got out of bed. She hasn't eaten. She and that's you're fault. So if you knew what's best for you and for her, you'd leave her alone."


God I was sick of this. What was stopping me from going to see him? Nothing. Those guards were there to keep him out, not keep me in.

I stood from my bed, and instantly realized I needed to pee.

Maybe go to the bathroom before visiting Jerome.

Good idea.

I got dressed in one of my favorite outfits. I did my make up and curled my hair. I wanted to look good. I felt like a teenager about to sneak out to see her boyfriend.

I opened the door and the guard instantly looked over at me. "What are you doing?" He asked, his voice deep.

"Bathroom, I'm about to piss my pants, save me the lecture." I say, darting past him.

I wasn't technically lying. I really was going to the bathroom.

Then I was going to see Jerome.

I went to the bathroom and let it all out. Wow, take a mental note: don't ever slip into a depression again.

I flushed the toilet and snuck down the hallway to Jerome's room. I opened it slowly then crept in.

"J?" I whispered.


I smiled when I saw him. He was sitting on his bed, playing with a gun. "Hey."

"Hey." He said back. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit my Prince Charming." I joked, though neither of us laughed.

"You're not pissed at me?" He asked quietly.

"I maybe-kinda-sorta but not really but probably like you, remember?" I answered.

"No." I answered finally. "Well yes. Actually no." I rambled. "I was but," I trailed off.

"I'm sorry." He cuts in.

"I'm sorry too." I said. "I just really freaking missed you." I admitted. "Like, a lot. It was like a cheesy romance movie. I wouldn't get out of bed. I barely ate. Barbara kept saying you were an asshole and I was like 'hey that's what I say'."

Jerome chuckled softly, then looked me up and down

"You look different." He stated. "Are you wearing makeup?"


"Did you get all dressed up to see me?"

"No." I said flatly. Jerome laughed. "You did!"

"No I didn't. I was just in a bad bitch mood and I got all dressed up then I was like 'let's visit Jerome' and that's the end of it."



"You dirty liar. You got all dressed up just to see me." He laughed.

"I did not!"

Jerome laughed and tugged at my hand and pulled me toward him. "Yes you did."

"You look-"

"Gorgeous?" I interrupted, cocking an eyebrow, unimpressed.

"Actually I was going to say sexy." He said.

"Sexy? I'm wearing jeans" I said.

"Very tight jeans." He pointed out.

"And a T-shirt." I finished.

"A very tight T-shirt." He said. He pulled at the bottom of my shirt then let it go, letting it fall back. He looked up at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're an ass." I shook my head and whispered. "You love it." He whispered back.

I smiled and playfully slapped his head. I got in his bed. "I think it's my turn to spend the night." I said.

"Oh is it?"

"What, you got plans?" I ask. He just chuckles.

Silence is Deafening || J.V.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt