CHAPTER #15 | Sleep-over

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I sat in the chair in front of my mirror and brush out my hair. It was soooo tangled. Like really tangled. There are no hairbrushes in Arkham, believe it or not. I eventually get all the tangled out, and I feel very proud of myself.

"Whatcha doing there, gorgeous?" I heard a voice say.

"Jerome, what do you want?" I asked annoyed as I stood from the chair. He took my words as an invitation and sat on the edge of my bed.

"You don't get to ask questions anymore, princess." He said smugly. "Really?" I questioned sarcastically. "I'm the boss which means you have to do exactly as I say."

I blinked at him before laughing. "You keep telling yourself that." I walked over to my bed and his grin grew with each of my steps. I gave him a sweet smile before pushing him off my bed and on the floor.

"Get out. I have to get ready for bed." You say to Jerome who laid dramatically on the floor.

"I can't. I've been paralyzed." He groaned.

I rolled my eyes and slightly nudged his side. "Go. Get out." I repeat but he didn't budge. I sighed and picked up one of his legs and try to drag him out. It took me awhile but after a few tiring minutes, I get him out the room and shut the door, making sure to lock it.

I change into the silky pajamas Theo had gotten me. I go to the bathroom in my room and wash my face then put my hair into two French braids. I take my sleeping medication and it walk to the door to unlock it, because a small part of me does want him to come back in.

I walk to the bed and pull the covers over my legs and sit up, then take the book I stole from Theo's library earlier. I couldn't bring myself to focus though and decided to go to sleep.

After a couple hours of sleeping, I was awoken by none other than Jerome. He poked me a couple times, which woke me up, but I didn't bother to move. He then took away my blankets which cause a small breeze over me. Still I didn't want to get up. Then he lifted my arm then let it drop, as if he were checking if I was alive or not.

"I'm not dead, you moron." I grumble. I heard him laugh. "What time is it?" I ask him once I saw it was still dark out.

"Never mind that. Get up." Jerome replied.

"Why?" I moan. "Because I was bored. So I came here to bug you." He answered, sitting at the edge of the bed. "Well you've succeeded." I say.

I sigh and look at him giving him a 'really' face, he just gives me this stupid dorky smile, so I roll my eyes and stand up. "Fine." I grumble as I stretch out, the sit back down on the bed.

"Now what?" I say with a yawn. "Honestly I didn't think that far ahead." Jerome admits, making me snort.

I get an idea and stand up to walk over to my closet. I pull out a game I know will cause some trouble. Uno. Jerome face lights up like a child's on Christmas. I get this warm feeling in my gut and it makes me smile back at Jerome. I toss him the cards. "I'll be back." I say before leaving my room.

I try to be as quiet as I can so no one hear me, and it's very easy considering everybody else is making noise. I can hear a movie going, Babs and Tabs having 'fun', I can even hear Jerome laughing from my room. Still, I tip-toe to the kitchen and pull out a mug. I make myself a cup of coffee and return to my room for a game of Uno with Jerome.

He already dealt out the cards. "You go first." I say.

I'd like to state for the record, that I think Jerome cheated. Because he won every time. Jerome completely annihilated me in Uno, and I'm truthfully too tired to care. Jerome laughs in victory and I'm sure I'll hear him bragging about it in the morning.

"Congrats." I yawn and get under the blankets. It feels like I'm going to doze off in only a matter of seconds.

I can tell Jerome hasn't left my room, but I don't care and fall asleep instantly.

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