Chapter 1: The Cathouse

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Author's Note:
Hi, I want to let everyone know this story is purely fictional, so I don't own anything except Astrid and the plot. Also, I know the Cathouse was opened in 1986, but in this story it's been around since 1985. Okay, anyways enjoy!

Los Angeles, 1985

"Dear journal,
it's been almost a year since I left San Diego and not much has changed. I still live in this small apartment in Hollywood, spending my days going to school at UCLA and my nights working to pay for school and making a life in my new hometown. It may not be the glamorous life my parents wanted to set me up with, but I'm happy where I am at the moment..."

I spoke out loud to myself, scribbling inside my new journal based around my life in L.A.

I was eighteen, almost nineteen in August, living on my own in a two bedroom apartment in West Hollywood with one dream to be a writer. Hopefully, in a couple of years, I'll be able to make it a reality with a degree in English Literature.

Writing had been a long term passion of mine. It's the only thing that kept me motivated and grounded in life when I needed it the most.

It was my happiness.

I wrote in a few more lines before closing the journal on the kitchen table.

'Another page, another chapter of my simple life in the books.' I thought to myself, walking towards the small window as I watched the city life pass by.

The sun was about to set in for the day, glancing to check the time on the black Kit-Kat clock hanging by the window.


"I better get ready for work." I said to myself, grabbing my journal and heading into the bedroom.


The smell of cigarettes and alcohol filled the atmosphere of the nightclub known as the Cathouse. This place was almost like a second home to me with a few exceptions, but other than that, it was a great place to listen to upcoming rock bands.

I maneuvered around the joint, taking orders, bringing orders, cleaning some tables and ignoring the usual comments of men who only think with their dicks.

'Just another night on the job.'

"How's my favorite waitress doing tonight?" I stood at the bar, hearing my boss's voice speaking to me as I took the last tray of empty glasses to the bartender.

Riki Rachtman wasn't like your stereotypical boss, he was a young guy in his early 20s, laid back, and acted more like an older brother to me.

He looked at me with a bright grin, wrapping his arm around my shoulders with a tight squeeze.

"Well, aside from a few guys trying to get my number or wanting a quickie in the bathrooms, I'm doing good." I smiled back at him, hearing his chuckle in response.

Riki knew I wasn't the type of girl to easily be won over.

"If they don't stop, let me know and I'll take care of them, Ash. Anything else?" He asked, taking a drink of his beer. I adjusted the black leather mini skirt, feeling self-conscious that it would rise a little above my thighs.

"How about a new skirt? I can't walk in this thing..." I sighed heavily, feeling uncomfortable with the night club's dress code.

As a waitress, I only had three options to wear the black and pink Cathouse tee: black tight jeans, high-waisted shorts, and a leather mini skirt. Two of those items were currently at the cleaners, leaving me stuck with this unforgiving piece of material.

"I'm sorry, Astrid. You know, I can't bend the rules. It brings in guests and you can't complain about the tips." He clearly has a point, I couldn't turn down my tips. "Besides, you look great in that skirt." He pointed out, which made the heat rise to my cheeks. Luckily, the lighting in this place was too dim for him to notice my embarrassment.

"Really? I thought they came in to see the girls in skimpy clothes." I took a seat on the stool next to him as the bartender, Mike poured me a glass of iced water.

"Yeah, that too, except, you got class." Riki flirted with me, it wasn't anything new and I didn't mind it. We had a mutual relationship.

"So, who's this new band playing tonight, Riki?" I changed the subject, seeing him eyeing a couple of girls in nothing but lingerie, literally.

"Oh, I can't spoil the surprise, Ash. You'll see soon enough. These guys are really good, they've been around for a while now. Of course, you're not much of a party girl, aren't you, sweetheart?" He teased me, knowing outside of work and school, I like to spend my time at my apartment.

I was an introvert, plain and simple. And, the closest I had to a social life was going to work here at the Cathouse.

"Real cute." I took another sip of my water, failing to hide the smile curling at the corners of my lips.

Aside from drinking with rock stars and taking care of this place, Riki loved to poke fun at me with any opportunity he could get.

"Hey, I like girls who are smart and can write up a storm under a minute. You're definitely a keeper, Astrid." I laughed at him, feeling the Rachtman charm wearing off on me. All jokes aside, Riki was one of the few who supported my love for writing.

"Thanks, Riki." I gave him a warm grin, catching his wink as the guy finished the last drop of his beer and handed the bottle to Mike to discard it.

"I'm going to introduce the band now. You just stay put and have a grand fucking time!" He kissed the side of my face and left the bar.

As I watched Riki work his charismatic charm with the crowd on the band stage, it was time to announce Cathouse's newest family members.

"Give it up Cathouse for...Guns N' Roses!"

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