Chapter 5: I Won't Let It Happen

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"Goodnight, Kitten."


Slowly, I opened my eyes to the early morning sunlight shining through the sheer curtains from my bedroom window.

"How did I get back in my bed?" I softly asked myself, noticing the new found position of me covered in the sheets of my bed.

Recollecting the memories from last night, I rolled over to the left side of the bed finding the blankets of the makeshift bed tousled on the floor.

There was no sign of Izzy.

"Where is he?" I questioned, wondering if he was the one who carried me to my bed last night. The thought of it easily made my cheeks radiate with heat.

'No matter how much you like him, there's no chance you'll be with him...' I sadly expressed, expelling a heavy sigh as I welcomed my self-doubt.

"I'm just going to set myself up for disappointment if this continues." I concluded, climbing out of my bed and changing into a fresh set of clothes. I fixed my hair up into a ponytail before leaving my bedroom.

Everyone was still sound asleep inside my apartment, except for Izzy, who I've yet to find. Deciding against the idea of searching for him, like some lost puppy, I walked into the kitchen to make a large fresh pot of coffee for my guests.

I've never been much of a coffee drinker as I preferred tea over the heavily-caffeinated drink. Though, I usually make it for friends who needed a pick-me-up or to nurse a hangover. And by friends, I meant Riki.

As the coffee began to brew, my eyes caught the attention of the dark-haired guitarist sitting outside on the balcony. He was still in his jeans, his hair a bit more disheveled than the night before, and a cigarette hanging loosely between his lips. Izzy was writing something down on a paper brown bag from our run to Ralph's last night. He looked very focused, practically ignoring the world around him, and I was lost in admiration.


"Hey, I thought you might have wanted some coffee." I softly spoke to Izzy, holding a warm mug of black coffee in my hands.

The moment he looked up to face me with those nice serene eyes, he smiled at the sound of my voice. He pushed his long hair away from his face, placing the pen and grocery bag down beside him. He took the mug from my hands.

"Thanks, Strid." He slowly sipped the black liquid down his throat, as I took a seat next to him. The two of us watched the city wake up on this cool summer morning.

"Did you slept okay?" Izzy asked about last night. I turned my sight back at him, watching him inhale his cigarette.

"Yes. How about you?" I questioned him, seeing him wafted the smoke up in the air. He's been careful about not letting it hit my face.

"Yeah. You know? The floor isn't that bad." He said, looking at me with a soft smirk at his lips before taking another sip of his coffee.

"About that, why did you put me in my bed?" I inquired, feeling curious about his gesture. My light brown eyes staring at the view of Sunset Boulevard as I felt the weight of his eyes on me.

"I wasn't comfortable with the idea of you sleeping on the floor. Besides, I really liked waking up to see your sleepy face this morning." A light chuckle escaped from his throat, glancing to see those gorgeous eyes filled with warmth and a wide grin revealing his teeth.

Almost instantly, my face began to heat up as a soft smile curled at my lips in response.

'I wish you could see me wake up every morning...'

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