Chapter 10: Don't You Ever Leave Me

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Author's Note:

Hello! First of all, I'm so sorry for the long delay. I moved out, but it was a complete disaster and I had to move back to my old house. So, I've been packing and unpacking for a whole month. Now, I'm settled into my house again.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!🌸

"I love you, Astrid..."


April 16th, 1986

"Dear journal,
It's been nearly two weeks since my last entry, and the last time I saw Izzy and the rest of the boys. Part of it was mostly due to school and working at the Cathouse...

The other half was spending time with Wyatt Todd, but we'll get into that bit later...

So, speaking about school, I'm well into my third year at UCLA...

Go, Bruins!

Okay, that's about as much school spirit I'm ever going to have in my lifetime.

Carrying on...

I had already planned on enrolling for the Winter Semester this year. If I do that, I'll be able to graduate early next Spring, and I'll finally earn my B.A. in English Literature.

I can't wait to start my career as a legit writer, I'm so ecstatic!

Both Riki and Taime have already started making plans to throw a graduation party for me at the Cathouse for next year. I honestly couldn't have asked for better friends.

Those two have never failed at making me feel happy.

They've been more supported of me than my own parents...but I really don't want to talk about them right now.

Let's talk about the boys of Guns N' Roses.

Since signing to a major record company, the Gunners have been going through several changes. The biggest one was cutting ties with their longtime manager, Vicky Hamilton.

Despite all of the hard work she did for the band, Vicky didn't had a solid contract to stay as manager. It was heartbreaking to the guys, they knew she was helpful when it came to local bookings, but the guys and Geffen wanted someone who was more experienced in taking this band at the worldwide level.

In the end, the boys made the split from Vicky, but not all is bad.

Vicky became an A&R scout for Geffen after making the agreement that the label will be responsible in finding the band's new manager. Vicky's also been managing Taime's own band after her breakup with the Gunners, which was actually by Axl's own request.

Furthermore, Axl, Duff, Izzy, Slash and Steven were using their newly earned cash advancement on new clothes, instruments, and a three bedroom apartment located on Fountain and La Cienaga.

It was the only place that they could lease since none of them had any source of credit. And, it was about a five minute drive from my place, which I knew was part of their agreement to be close to me.

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