Chapter 3: Bringing The Boys Home

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Author's Note:
This chapter is a bit of a doozy, so I had to split it into two parts, so I'm sorry it's a bit long. Please feel free to grab a snack as you read through this lengthy chapter.

"Yeah, all of you can spend the night at my place..."


As those words fell from my lips, I may have regretted them instantly, feeling a painful silence fill the cold air between the band and me.

'Do you even know what you're getting yourself into?' A voice that sounded a lot like my own echoed inside my thoughts.

"Are you sure? You don't have to—" Izzy's dark eyes widened in slight surprise, as if reading my own mind.

'Of course you're not sure! He'll understand...' My conscience argued, but I already made my decision.

"Yes, it's not a problem." Simply ignoring the voice of reason, I smiled at Izzy with reassurance.

'You're on your own, kid...'

"See? I knew I could love this girl!" I heard the voice of the tall blonde named, Duff. He wrapped his arm over my shoulders with an infectious smirk spread along his face.

"If you guys are ready, we can head there right now? My place is just a few blocks up the street." My lips reflected a smile at Duff before staring back at the others and more in particular at Izzy.

'This is definitely going to be an interesting night...' I said to myself, making my way up the street with Gunners in tow.


On the way to my apartment, the guys told each other dirty jokes and shoved each other for fun. I found it amusing, feeling more at ease around them.

They even told me a bit about themselves as I learned that Duff was from the Pacific Northwest of Seattle, Slash was born in England, but moved to the City of Angels at age five. Steven grew up in the city for most of his life, too. And, Axl and Izzy were both from Indiana.

A couple street blocks later, we finally reached the concrete stairs that led into the familiar apartment complex.

Once I reached the front door of my place, I pulled out the keys from my black purse and unlocked it.

"Damn, this is a real nice place you got here, sweetheart." Axl whistled out, seeing the layout of my small cozy apartment.

It was far from the richness of Beverly Hills, but for an affordable West Hollywood apartment, it was my home and I loved it.

"Yeah, compared to our shit place, this is paradise." Slash let out, as I moved over to the turquoise wall hook adorned next to the door to hang my purse.

"And, it's fucking clean, too!" Duff grinned to himself, as each of them looked around their new surroundings.

"Thanks, guys. Feel free to make yourselves at home. I'll be right back." I told them, making a bee-line straight towards my bedroom.


"Why did you changed out of that sexy outfit of yours, sweet?" Axl quickly spoke up, seeing me dressed out of my skimpy work attire and now in a pair of black high-rise jeans, a plain teal shirt, and white sneakers.

The Gunners were all gathered around the living room, tuning to the television set as they watched MTV.

"Because that's only reserved for work, Red." I sighed softly to myself, walking into the small kitchen.

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