Chapter 8: She's So Untouchable

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Author's Note:
There's a slight warning in this chapter, so please proceed with caution!

'At least now I know the truth...'


December 31st, 1985

"Dear journal,
Sorry for the lack of writing these past months, I've been too preoccupied with school that I really couldn't have the time to sit down and write about what's been going on since my last entry in September.

Thankfully now, the semester had finally ended and I'm able to catch up with everything that's been happening in my life so far.

Firstly, I didn't get to attend many shows to see the Gunners perform due to school, which I'm sure pleased Desi very much...

Fucking bitch...

Secondly, earlier this month the Gunners were involved with the Los Angeles Police Department, who were seeking to arrest Axl and Slash.

The LAPD arrived to the band's rehearsal space on Gardner Street, which was dubbed "Hell House", a small storage space where I soon found out they've been living in for quite some time.

The cops pulled everyone out, except for Axl, who was hiding behind the amps with another girl according to Izzy. The cops asked them repetitious questions about their frontman. After getting nowhere, the police left with a warning to have Axl be turned in.

Apparently one night, Axl had sex with a girl in that storage unit, and kept tinkering with the band's equipment, which made Axl annoyed with her. They were having an argument, Slash tried to be the mediator, but to no avail. Axl kicked her out of the "Hell House", and she ran off naked down Sunset Boulevard.

It turned out that the girl was a minor, only fifteen years old. And, Axl and Slash were being charged with statutory rape.

When I first heard about this from Izzy, I was flabbergasted, but I knew these charges pressed on those two were ridiculous.

Everyone else did, too.

Izzy explained to me that Axl had consensual sex with this girl, who also lied about her age when he'd asked her.

After all of these months, I knew these guys well. Yes, they were living hedonistic lifestyles, but they weren't that stupid or ruthless.

When the cops came unannounced to "Hell House" the second time, they raided the property and trashed it completely. None of the boys were at the rehearsal space during the time, but once they returned, they gathered their belongings and ditched the "Hell House" for good.

Both Axl and Slash had already moved into their manager's small apartment by the time the cops wrecked their rehearsal space. Soon after the incident, Steven moved in with them. Duff stayed with his girlfriend, Katerina in their apartment on El Cerrito. And, Izzy...well, he moved into my place.

Since their argument during Street Scene, Izzy and Desi have been fighting more frequently than usual. Izzy stayed at "Hell House" to separate himself from Desi and her crude attitude. When the LAPD raided their storage space, Izzy called Desi that he will be staying with Duff, so once he hung up that call, he came into the Cathouse and asked me if he could stay with me...

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