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Katniss Everdeen Volunteers!


"Does anyone know the Valley Song?" my teacher asks. It was sixty-four years since the rebellion. That was how we kept track of years in Panem. Waiting for the annual Hunger Games to remind us of what dreadful lives we live. I was only six then, so I couldn't possibly understand what is wrong with our world.

"Me!" I shouted. My small six-year-old hand shot into the air, waving wildly. Although my teacher didn't want to call on me since I shouted out, no one else volunteered, so she had no choice but to let me do it. I learned since then that I have become very good at volunteering.

She stood me up on a small stool and told me to begin whenever I was ready. So I sang, and I sang proudly. I couldn't now. It's too painful. Still, it's a nice memory. I remember locking eyes with a young boy with beautiful blonde curls. Although I didn't know it then, this boy, the boy with the bread, would one day save my life. I smile at him, unknowingly.

And now once again, I am here, standing, waiting. Ten years later. And I am not filled with joy, but quite the opposite. Fear. My mother and Prim stand next to me, Prim fearful as ever. My sister, Primrose Everdeen, turned twelve this year. That hereby makes her eligible to be entered into the Hunger Games. I wouldn't let her get tesserae. Not in a million years.

As I stood there, I realized that the odds were completely in Prim's favor. Out of thousands of names on small, white slips of paper, only one says the name "Primrose Everdeen" on it. I felt confident, knowing that I could continue to protect the girl whom I love so much. So, it took me by surprise when that very name was called by the annoying voice of Effie Trinket.

I searched the crowd of faces for my little sister, being met with a look of pure horror. This look was enough to drive me out into the aisle, yelling Prim's name. For the second time in my life, I volunteered. "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!"

And of course, my opponent and District partner was none other than the Boy With the Bread, Peeta Mellark.

So, I thought, let the seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin.

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