This was a gift, FOR US!

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"What's happening right now?!" Signe asks hard breathing.

"Don't ask me! This is just a big chaos to me!" Cristina replies.

"Ok, girls. Calm down! We need to stay as quiet as possible!" Amy says and she's right. If they want to not get caught, they need to be calm.

They all take a few deep breaths before they stand up to check the room more closely. They open the boxes but nothing's inside.

"Steph? Any theory what's going on here?" Signe asks while they open the last boxes.

"Not a really actually, but I have some speculations ..." Steph starts to say.

"...the boys are not themselfs. Somebody controls them and same people want us too. Because there's something or someone inside of us that they want. That's all I got until now." Steph explains.

"Well, better than nothing." Cristina says optimistic.

Suddenly they hear footsteps. They turn to the door in fear. The footsteps are coming closer and closer to the door. The girls are all trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Maybe they will pass by without noticing us." they all think.

Suddenly the footsteps are stopping in front of the door and the doorknob turns slowly to open the door. As the person behind the door realizes that the door doesn't want to open, the person kicks against the door with hard kicks.

"HIDE!" Steph exclaims panicly as the chair starts to get loose.

"WHERE?!" Singe asks even more panicly. They look to the boxes. Only they can be a hiding place.

"THE BOXES!" Amy yells outloud. They run to the boxes and hide behind them. Eachone behind one of eight piles. Amy hides behind the second pile, Signe behind the third one, Cristina behind the fifth one and Steph behind the last one.

Then the door opens with a big crack and Madpat and NateMare enter the room. The girls hold their breath.

"You see, Mad! I knew that I heard something in here!" NateMare says to Madpat smiling.

"Ok, ok, chill your life. Let's find this little runaways, so we make progress!" Madpat says annoyed.

"Looks like they like to play Hide And Seek!" NateMare says as he destroys the first pile of boxes. He moves to the seventh and destroys that too. Madpat sighs and comes to him.

"Let ME do this!" he says and destroys the top of the second pile. Amy's hair are peeking out of the boxes.

"Found you!" NateMare says and grabs Amy by her hair. She yells in pain as he drags her to him. He puts out some pieces of thick tape and puts it on her mouth, around both her wrists and around her legs. Her screams start to sound muffled and she falls to the ground as he lets her go.

The other girls can only hear what's going on.

"Ah...much better..." Madpat says facilitated.

"...I bring her to Mark. You look for the others!" he says.

"Wait, why would she be alone here? Think logically! They would never split up individually!" NateMare says.

"You're right...Let's see if we find someone else..." Madpat says and destroys the sixth pile of boxes. He quickly moves to the fifth one and destroys it. Cristina crawls away from the boxes.

"There you are!" he says grining and forcefully drags her to him. He puts the pieces of tape on her aswell.

"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be!" NateMare says to the girls that are lying on the ground and fighting against their bonds. Singe and Steph are remaining behind the piles of boxes.

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now