three {The Calm...}

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The next few weeks the five boys spent really much time together. After school they always met up. They got to know Brooklyn even better and he got to know them. Since Brook lived near Andy, Rye always picked him up.

Then they went to Andy's house together. Although it was hard for Brook. He always saw Andy running up to Rye, hugging him tightly. Them kissed as a greeting, which made Brooklyn jealous. He didn't want to admit it, because he knew that Andy and Rye were together, but he kinda had a little crush on Andy.

Together the three went to school where they met the others. Andy and Rye held hands the whole time, which wasn't new. In school they hugged their friends and went to their classes. Rye, Andy and Brook had their first period together. They went into the classroom and sat down at their usual place. As soon as they sat down, Rye's and Andy's hands found each other, intertwining their fingers.

After the morning lessons all the boys met each other again in the canteen. They laughed and talked. Together they decided to meet in the evening. Because the weather was good and the sun was shining, they decided to go to the park.

So, after all their lessons they met in the park at their spot. Their spot was literally just a little tree group of like four or five trees. But it was something special to them. Under these trees were created so many memories. Even Andy and Rye's first kiss happened under them.

Andy and Mikey arrived first. Shortly after them came Rye. He sat down next to Andy, pecked his lips and wrapped an arm around his waist. Soon the other two joined them under the trees and the boys started to chat the night away. Since it was friday none of them had to be home early. Rye is gonna sleep at Andy's anyway and the other three decided to have a sleep over at Jack's. Tomorrow they'll meet up at the park again.

Currently the boys talked about their annoying math teacher. She always gives them too much homework, no one does them anyway. Well not all of them talked about her. Brooklyn had disengaged himself from the conversation. He just stared at Rye's arm on Andy's waist, at Andy's hand on Rye's thigh and his head on Rye's shoulder. He couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Brooklyn?", Jack asked and snapped his fingers in front of his face. Brook shook his head and came back to reality. "Sorry", he said and blushed bright red. "What's up with you? You keep staring into space", asked Andy but Brook just shrugged. Then they returned to their previous conversation.

At about nine in the evening Andy and Rye decided to go home. The five boys walked to Andy's house together. There they said goodbye. Andy and Rye went inside and the others went to Jack's.

When Andy and Rye walked through the door Andy's mother greeted them immediately. The two boys went upstairs and Andy's mum brought them something to eat. She brabbled about this and that. "Muuuum", Andy whined. "Sorry, sorry", she said and exited the room. "Sleep well boys."

The two boys laughed and snuggled into bed. Rye wrapped his arm around Andy who placed his head on his chest. Rye's fingers found their way into Andy's hair, almost as if it was natural. After a few minutes Andy lifted his head and looked into Rye's eyes. He slowly leaned in and closed his eyes. Rye let his eyes slip close too and then closed the gap between their lips.

The brunette immediately deepened the kiss by swiping his tongue over Andy's bottom lip. First Andy denied the access, so he tried again and again. Eventually he bit Andy's bottom lip softly, making him moan. Rye took the chance to slide his tongue past Andy's lips. The kiss got more heated by the second. Andy's hands were all over Rye's body. They felt like fire for Rye. Slowly Rye pulled away from the kiss, just to move to Andy's neck. He connected his lips with Andy's collar and started to suck harshly. One of the blonde's hand traveled up and he tangled his fingers into Rye's hair. "R-rye", he moaned softly.

This continued for about ten minutes. Rye leaving love bites all over Andy's neck and shoulders, while moan after moan left Andy's parted lips. Andy tugged lightly on Rye's hair when the pleasure was overwhelming him. "Ryan", he breathed out. Rye's fingers traced his body softly, while the smaller one's fingers played with the hem of Rye's jeans. When Rye moved to a very sensitive part of his neck he threw his head back and arched his back.

"Brooklyn", he moaned out.

Words: 806
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