Thank you 💓

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Hi guys and girls!

I really hope you liked this book and enjoyed reading it. If you did, I'd be happy about some comments and votes. Tell me what you think, if you liked the idea, or the writing stile and such (or whatever).

Wow, honestly it feels so weird to be finished with this book now. I had the idea somewhen last febuary and it took me ages to have at least something written. Since I write so slowly I wanted at least a few chapters already so you don't have to wait so long. So yeah, after nearly a year I finally completed this book and posted it.

I know it's not like really long or something, but I'm simply not good in writing long stories. Honestly: great respect to the ones that can! For now I've decided to stick to the oneshot book, but maybe, just maybe (like seriously only maybe) I'll write a book again in the future (don't know if it would be about Roadtrip though).

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this book. 💓💓

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