four {...Before The Storm}

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"Brooklyn", he moaned out.

Rye immediately pulled back. Andy froze. The brunette stared at him in shock and disbelieve. Then he jumped up. Quickly he searched his things and threw them into his bag. Then he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. This shook Andy out of his trance. "Rye!", he shouted and ran after him.

He raced down the stairs and caught up with him at his front door. "Rye...", he said and took Rye by his wrist. "No Andy... Leave me alone", Rye said, his voice about to break. "Please Rye...", he pleaded "let me explain"
But Rye just shook his head, opened the door and left without another word spoken.

The second the door closed behind Rye Andy fell to the ground sobbing. He ruined everything. "Andy? What happened?", his mother came running. Andy just cried. His heartbreaking sobs were heard in the whole house. His mum run a hand up and down his back, trying to calm him down.

"Come on lets get you to bed", she said after a while and brought Andy to his room. He quickly got ready for bed and then laid down. His mother tugged him into the sheets. She kissed her son on the forehead and quietly left the room. She knew he wouldn't sleep though. And she was right. Andy laid awake nearly the whole night. He just ruined his relationship with Rye and he couldn't forgive himself. He doubted highly that Rye would. Soon Andy started to cry again. The tears rolled down his cheeks and fell silently onto the bed, soaking into his sheets.

Rye wasn't any better though. As soon as he arrived at home he ran into his room and crashed into his bed crying. His mum was worried of course. She knocked onto his door softly and then opened it, peaking through the gap. "Rye? What happened? I thought you were staying at Andy's", she asked him, coming into the room and sitting down on the bed. Rye just cried harder, burying his face into his pillow. His mother caressed his back, stroking over it slowly. She comforted him, she didn't like to see her son crying. Rye's sobs slowly got quieter until they eased up completely. After some time he finally fell asleep.

The next morning Andy woke up confused and exhausted. He reached next to him and started crying again when he noticed that Rye wasn't there. It had really happened. How could he be that stupid? Slowly he got ready for the day. Then he went downstairs into the living room. His mum gave him an encouraging smile and he smiled back sadly.

After having breakfast he got ready and went to the park. When he arrived the others wondered why he didn't come with Rye. Sonny was about to ask, but stopped when he saw Andy's red and puffy eyes. As soon as Andy noticed that Rye wasn't there his eyes filled with tears again. He sat down and pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging them with his arms and placing his head on them. Of course their friends wondered what had happened. Why Rye wasn't there and if he even would come, Andy hoped so. He needed to talk to him.

When Andy started crying again his friends were by his side instantly, stroking his back and caressing his knuckles. "Andy, do you want to tell us what happened?", asked Jack after Andy had calmed down a bit. He shook his head violently, nearly starting to cry again. "You sure mate? Sometimes it helps to talk about it", said Sonny, worried about his friend. Andy hesitated, but eventually agreed to telling Sonny, "but only Sonny".

So, while the other two stayed in the park, enjoying their day, Andy and Sonny walked home to the dark haired, where they would have a little privacy. When they finally arrived in Sonny's room, Andy sat down on the bed and started to explain. He told him everything from the beginning, how they walked home, how they started making out and he moaned Brooklyn's name, how Rye ran away, how he cried in bed. Even why he thought that he did moan Brooklyn. And that shocked Sonny.

Words: 711
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