Chapter 1: First Encounters

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Rex was going about his daily life salvaging and earning money to support himself and his people when one day he was called into Chairman Bana's office. Apparantly the Chairman had a pretty important job for Rex and he specifically called for him, so he wondered: What could such a job be for the Chairman to want me specifically? When Rex got to the office Bana exclaimed to Rex "Aaahh Rex it good to see you! Bana call you in for important mission! This mission will pay 100,000 gold."

Rex exclaims "100,000 gold?! You can't be serious."

Bana responded with "Bana very serious and that just advance. There be another 100,000 gold if mission is success."

Rex immediately shouted "Deal! I'll do it, whatever the job is I'll do it!"

Bana retorted with "You take job even though you don't know what job is?"

"I guess your right. But I'll still do it anyways."

"Good, people who hire you over there." Bana then points to his left and the sliding door is opened and three people walk out. The first is a tall man in black armor with a blade. The second a man with a mask and a katana on his back. Then the third one was a Gormotti girl with a yellow jumpsuit with a tiger which he assumed was her blade.

"Oi, since when are we hiring children to do the work?" Nia sneered.

"Hey now, what is that supposed to mean? You look like a child yourself." Rex contorted.

"Watch it bud, I ain't no child." Nia responded.

"Will you two shut up? We have business to attend to." Malos sneered. "We need you to help us salvage up an old ship; think you can handle it boy?" Malos continues.

"That shouldn't be a problem for good Ole Rex. Consider it done." Rex replied.

And with that the three of them left. Bana then gave Rex his advance and Rex went to put most of it away for his family. He then proceeded to buy new salvager gear and some food, Rex was in the mood for fish so he bought a few to bring with him on this mission.

After that Rex went to the maelstrom and admired the great size of the vessel. Rex didn't even realize that a certain Gormotti was right behind him.

"Oi kid, quit gawkin at the ship. I'm starting to think you are twelve."

"Am not, I'm just admiring the architecture is all. I find it quiet impressive considering something this big doesn't even have a titan holding it up."

"Keep your mouth open any longer and you'll start catchin flies."

"Y'know if you keep standing there then the ship il rip your leg clean off."

"Wh-what?!" Nia then jumps back and gets in a defensive position.

"Hey you two knock it off already and get on the ship." Malos grunted in annoyance.

And with that everyone got aboard the Maelstrom and set sail for the old ship sight. Rex had the night watch so he had to stay up top to look at all the surroundings to make sure they didn't run into anything. As he was keeping watch he didn't even realize that Nia was approaching.

"I really needed some fresh air, the smell of alchohol is intoxicating down there."

"Ah so you've come up eh? Well come over and talk with me for a while."

"Y'know I've got a name, it's Nia. So tell me boy-"

"You know I have a name to? It's Rex."

"Ok Rex why do you want to be a salvager?"

"Because I want to go to Elysium."

"Really now, you want to go to Elysium? You know that's just a fairy tale that people tell kids right, it doesn't actually exist."

"Hey now don't bash it, I believe it is real and is that really so bad as to want to go to a place where everyone can be happy? We're running out of titans every single day and if we don't think of something fast then we'll..."

"... For everyone huh? I think that's a good cause. You know, you and I aren't so different after all."

"Hey, are you hungry?"

"Why d'you ask?"

"Because I brought snacks!"

"Hmmmmm maybe..." Nia then spots the different fish items Rex has. "Ooooohh I think I will stick around." Nia enthusiastically responds.

Nia and Rex then spend time just conversing and eating fish snacks until they are informed by Malos that they have arrived at the salvaging point. After that Rex and a squad of salvagers pull the ancient vessel out of the cloud sea and everyone boards. As the team goes deeper and deeper into the ship they find someone.

"Hey kid don't touch that!" Malos yells at Rex, but it's to late and Rex touches the Aegis. Jin then proceeds to stab Rex in the chest.

"Rex! Jin why would you do that?! He's just a boy!" Nia gasped.

"It was an act of mercy for whats to come." Jin simply replied.

Nia felt a pain in her chest since she had just come to know this boy and she was starting to like his noble goals when all of a sudden he is just killed.

As the trio make it back to the top floor of the deck Malos says to Nia.

"Lets kill all of them, we can't have anyone know of this predicament."

"Wh-What? You can't be serious, killing all these innocent people. That sounds like an awful idea."

Suddenly the Chamber holding Pyra bursts into flames and Malos instinctively throws the chamber. Then Rex bursts out of the floor now holding the Aegis and Pyra awakens from her chamber.

Nia was both surprised and reliefed to see Rex again.

Rex attempts to fight Malos but Malos thrashes Rex and Pyra. When it looks like it's the end for Rex, Nia comes out of nowhere and protects and heals Rex.

"Nia, what the hell are you doing?! Get out of the way!" Malos bellows.

"I won't let you hurt him, he's just a boy. He doesn't deserve this."

Suddenly the guns on the maelstrom begin firing missiles at them and Nia falls. Rex swings around and catches her just in time. Then when the missiles aim at the two of them and everything looks grim, Azurda comes out of nowhere and saves all of them. However, Azurda gets shot and they all crash land.

to be continued...

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