Chapter 17: Reawoken

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Rex wakes up in a bed in an area he isn't aware of at first. It takes him a few moments to deduce that he is in Theosoir. Rex racks his head trying to remember what happened last. The last thing he remembers is getting his core crystal ripped out of his chest. Suddenly in a panic he checks his chest to find the core crystal gone.

'But how am I still alive? I should've died when he ripped it out.'

Suddenly he realizes that Pyra was kidnapped by them and a sudden dread washes over him.

'I need to save Pyra but, I'm completely outclassed by Jin. There's no way I can stand up to such power.'

Rex starts to have thoughts of just packing up and leaving, but what about his friends? What would they think? They'd probably think he's a coward. Not bearing to think such a thing Rex decides to form a plan to escape, not bearing to show this weakness to his friends. Rex assesses the room and the outside and concludes that he can escape through the window.

'Am I really gonna do this? Am I that much of a coward?'

Rex breathes in, leaves a note for them, then leaves out the window.

A few hours later Nia goes to check up on Rex to see if he'd awoken yet since he had been asleep for three days. When she opens the door she makes the discovery that Rex is no longer there. In a panic Nia searches the room for any clues Rex might've left behind. She stumbles across the note Rex had left and begins to read it.

'Hey guys it's me Rex. If your reading this then chances are that I left. I decided to go back home and live my days in peace. I have decided that the enemy we face is to powerful, I fear that we may all lose our lives trying to fight him. It leaves me with a heavy heart that I couldn't even save the ones close to me and that I don't even have the gall to show my cowardice to the people that I have grown to love. I am sorry I got you all involved in this, I hope that you all will be able to continue your lives after all of this has happened. I thank whoever healed me, I don't know how I'm even still alive but someone saved me so I thank you. I hope you all have a prosperous future and I wish the very best for you.'

Nia is shocked at reading the note. She never would've thought that Rex of all people would lose hope. Her shock turns to anger to frustration to sadness.

"Why Rex? Why would you leave us when we need you the most?"

Nia then walks out of the room letter in hand back to the lobby where everyone notices the teary eyes that Nia has.

"Hey furry ears is something wrong? Did something happen to Rex?" Zeke says with concern in his voice.

"Is he ok?"

"Oh he's fine bu-"

"Can we see him?"

Everyone gets antsy at hearing that there friend is awake.

"Well no. No you can't."

"Why can't Tora see Rex-Rex?"

"Because... he left."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouts in unison.

"What do you mean he left?!"

"When I went to check on him, he wasn't there anymore. All I found was this letter that he had left. I'm gonna read it out to you all so you know what he said."

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