Chapter 11: Family Reunion

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At the moment everyone is on a ship heading straight for the Leftharian Archipelago. The blade that helped them is known as Fan La Norne but it would seem that Mythra knew her in a past life. The group is informed by Fan that she was sent to retrieve them by the Praetor himself to see Mythra. The reason for heading towards the Leftharian Archipelago is because it is a gateway between Mor Ardain and Indol. Also that it would take way to long to sail around the Archipelago. As the vessel makes its way towards the shore of one of the islands Rex formulates the fastest and safest route through Leftharia.

"Can we go through Fonsett Village please?"

"Sure I guess we can if you want."

"I see Pyra's excited to see your village Rex."

"What can I say? Aren't you all at least a little excited to see where Rex grew up?"

"I mean yeah but we're not woopin an hollerin over it."

"Oh, sorry."

"Anyways why is she with us?"

"I'm acting as a representative of the Empire, do you have a problem with that?"

"Oh no I don't have a problem with it."

"Easy for you to say Rex, your not the one who was thrown in the slammer for a few days. And it was done by her no less!"

"Oh but that was just a big misunderstanding we should all forgive and move on."

Nia takes a little more nudging to budge but she eventually caves in and forgives Morag.

"Oi we're good right."


The two of them shake hands and forgive.

"Now then let's get a move on shall we?"

"Of course."

The journey to the village takes Rex and co a few hours but eventually they make it to Fonsett Village. When they first arrive they see a bunch of kids jumping off a cliff down into the cloud sea.

"Ah that takes me back."

"What the hell? Why are they doing that?"

"That's how you learn to swim in the cloud sea. That's also how I learned to be a salvager."

"I didn't know you sent money back home."

"That's quiet admirable for someone your age."

Everyone's respect for Rex increased just a little bit more.

"Anyways there's no way in hell you'd ever catch me doing that."

"Oh come on, are you scared? I'm tellin you it's real fun."

"No, get away from me you idiot."

Nia gets into a defensive position.

"Stop it Rex, don't tease her like that."

"Oh alright but I have one more thing to say to Nia."

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