Chapter 28: Elysium the Nation?

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It has been almost four months since all the nations have merged into the super continent they are now apart of and there have been several people who have emerged with the idea of combining all the nations into one and forming a super nation that could rule over everyone.

It first started when the people wanted peace to be official through every nation and some took it to the extreme to combine them all together. As this group of people became bigger and bigger it started to become a situation of not if it would happen, but when it would happen. It got so out of hand that people began rioting in the streets of the nations for change. Of course the leaders of these nations were unwilling to give up their positions.

At some point during these debates the group of reformers threw in that they would want Rex to be the leader of this new nation.

Fortunately for Rex he was unaware of all of this since he lived in Leftharia and that area of Elysium didn't get much interaction with the rest of Alrest. By this point Rex and Nia's house was about halfway built and neither were aware of the people wanting Rex to be Emperor.

It wasn't until a special council was called and Morag was sent to Rex's house to inform him that this special council was called for Rex.

"Ah Morag, its been a while hasn't it?"

"It most certainly has. Rex I must inform you that there will be a special council meeting with all of the world leaders in three days at the Tantal palace and they specifically asked for you to be there."

"Well this is kind of sudden."

"You must be there by six pm and you're not allowed to bring anyone. Do you understand?"

It took Rex a moment to digest all of that but then he quickly responded with: "I understand. I'll be there."

Rex goes back into Corrines house and Nia asks what that was about.

"What was that about?"

"Apparently I've been called into some secret meeting in three days which involves the leaders of every nation wanting to see me for some reason."

"Doesn't that worry you at all?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well why would all these leaders want to speak to you all of a sudden for seemingly no reason?"

"I have to agree that it all feels so strange, but at the same time this has to be pretty important if they need to see me."

"Whatever you think I guess. I personally feel worried about this."

"Oh Nia it'll be fine just wait and see."

"If you say so."

Three days pass and Rex goes to Tantal to speak to all of Alrests leaders. When Rex arrives he already knows most of the people there except there is a new face there.

"Hello I don't believe we've ever met before, my name is Rex. What's yours?"

"My name is Eidos. I am the new leader of Indol. After the previous Praetor got assassinated I was quickly put in charge of running Indol. Suffice to say I don't think my people like me very much."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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