Chapter 14: Bana Returns

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Amalthus was able to convince both Emperor Niall and Queen Raqura to have a meeting in Indol to discuss what had happened and explain why a titan had attacked Uraya. At the same time the funeral for Fan La Norne was being held for the people of Indol. Rex, Nia, Tora, Poppi, and Dromarch all attend the funeral. Zeke, Pandoria, Morag, Brighid, and Mythra all have to go to the summit. Rex had lost yet another person on his hands.

"It's all my fault."

"What was that?"

"I said it's all my fault."

Nia notices the sadness in his eyes and remembers back to what Corrine had said about Rex losing so many already that were close in his life. Nia tries to think of something to say.

"This is not your fault."

"No, it is."

"Why do you put so much blame on yourself?"

"Because I could've saved her and we wouldn't be attending her funeral right now."

"You put to much weight on your shoulders. You need to learn that death is simply another link in the cycle of life. We have to learn from this experience as to make sure something like this doesn't happen again."

"I have to put all this weight on. I'm the driver of the Aegis the most powerful blade to ever exist and I'm going to Elysium to save mankind. If I can't even save one life how am I supposed to save millions?"

That was a tough question that not even Nia could properly answer. Nia just watched as Rex looked at Fan's casket with a look of pure sadness, like his tears could fill an ocean. Nia tries to steer the conversation and get Rex's mind off of his sorrow.

"Did you notice?"

"Notice what?"

"Look at Fan's core crystal."

Rex takes a closer look and notices that Fan only has half of a core crystal.

"That's strange. She only has half of a core crystal."

"What do you think happened to the other half?"

"I'm not sure. Do you think Jin took it?"

"I doubt it. What use would Jin have with half a core crystal when he himself is already a flesh eater? If he wanted to resonate with her then he would've taken the entire core crystal."

"That's true now that I think about it."

After the funeral Rex's group reunited with Mythra's group and Zeke informs them that they will be going to Tantal.

"We shall be going to my homeland of Tantal. My people are the descendants of the mighty Addam."

"Really. I did not know that the people of Tantal were the descendants of Addam." Morag gestures her hand to a thinking pose.

"So that's where Addam settled down after he locked us up."

"The reason we're going to Tantal is because it was Tantal that revived Ophion to guard the world tree and the item we need to deactivate Ophion is back home. The item in question is called the Omega Fetter and can be used to rewrite Ophion's commands. "

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