Chapter 26: Goodbye Rex

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After Rex and co finished speaking to the Architect they make there way towards the final elevator. After going up it the group circled the final corridor while fighting a hoard of colossal artifices which although a challenge were nothing compared to what was coming up.

As the group makes it to the final corridor before the final fight Rex decides to give a speech to his friends as a way to speak his mind.

"Hold on everyone before we go into this final battle I have a something I want to say to everyone."

Everyone stops in place and looks at Rex. Rex walks ahead and faces them all.

"I want you all to know how greatful I am to you all for accompanying me on this adventure. Without all of you I'd probably still be a salvager. I got to see so many new places, meet so many new people, we've had some laughs, we've had some tears, we've had highs and lows. And through it all you all stood by my side even though I had no experience in being a driver. I've learned what it means to BE a driver from Nia, from Morag, from Zeke,... and especially from Vandam. May his soul rest in peace. I just want to let you all know that I love you guys. You're the closest thing to family I've had in a very VERY long time. I hope this is our final fight but not our FINAL fight, you know what I mean? I hope we can go on some more adventures after this, but next time under less serious conditions. But to wrap this up I'll finish with saying this: Let's go in there, kick Malos' ass, and save Alrest!"

Everyone is moved by Rex's speech. After that the group walks down the final corridor where a door is locked. Mythra transforms into Pnema and opens up the door. Inside the group sees Malos waiting for them.

"Well I'll be damned. You actually survived this long. However this is the end of the road for you boy."

"Malos why are you still doing this? Amalthus is already dead, you don't need to fight anymore."

"What did you actually think that fool had any influence on me? Hah! I'm called the end bringer kid what makes you think HE would influence me?"

"So then why do you keep going?"

"To fulfill my destiny as the end bringer. Now show me boy what makes you keep going!"

Malos then fuses into Artifice Aion and the fight begins.

The fight is grueling on everyone and Aion feels like a foe that cannot be topped by them. Luckily for them Nia keeps healing all of them and Pnema is giving it everything she's got. Finally the group is able to create a chink in Aion's armor and everyone throws in there strongest possible attacks all at the same time.

"Dark Maelstrom!"

"Quantum Judgement!"

"Azure III: Soulfire!"

"Sonic Thunderslash!"

"Divine Sword!"

"Infinity Blade!"

The attacks all hit the small weak point on Aion and Aion shuts down. With Aion shutting down Malos falls out of Aion onto the ground.

"Gaaahhhh, Uhhhhkkk. Not bad kid."


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