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Hello, hello?
Uh, I wanted to type a message for you to help you get settled on your first read. I actually used to write stuff before this, I'm still going on during the day as a matter of fact! I know it can be a bit worrying, reading a new fanfic, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about! So, uh, let's just focus on getting you through the first page. 
Uh, let's see here, first there's an introduction from the Google Doc that I'm supposed to read.
Uh, it's kind of a first impression type deal, you know? 
Welcome to FNaF Short Stories. A magical place for fanboys and fangirls alike, where fantasy and fun go into writing.
Just an open statement, I'm not responsible for damage to feels or outlook on my book. Upon commenting that you are hurt, a drawing will be issued within the end of the page or as soon as they leave school or are at home anyway. 
Blah, blah, blah, now that might sound odd, I know, but there's really nothing to worry about! Uh, the author tends to get a little bored during the day, but do I blame them? No. If I were forced to go to school for a few years and I never got a break, I'd be pretty bored too. So remember, acknowledge the fact that the author takes time out of their day to write this for people like you, and we should respect that, right? Okay.
Just be aware, the author tends to wonder a bit, uh, they're in some kind of weird fanfic writing mode during the day. Something about needing to be productive during their study halls instead of falling asleep.
They used to be allowed to write during their classes, but then there was the Monitoring of 2018. Yeah. I-it's amazing how the human mind can imagine a lot of things in the amount of time they learn science, history, and math. 
Now, uh, concerning YOUR safety, the only real risk as a reader here, if any, is the fact that this author, uh, if they happen to see their books doing well they may not get any sleep until they write up to expectations. They'll most likely lose sleep and write things way past the time they need to be in bed or waking up in the middle of the night to work. Now, that wouldn't be so bad if the author themselves didn't have school in the morning from Monday to Friday, especially so close to testing season. So, you could imagine having to read something and have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that someone wasted precious sleeping time writing only to get told that it wasn't good. 
Likely the only thing the author would do is abandon the book entirely, just never write into it again, heh.
Yeah, they don't tell you this stuff when you start reading. But hey, your first read should be a breeze! I'll write for you sometime later. Uh, check your notifications, and remember that if you like the story to add it to your reading lists only if you enjoy it a lot and want updates. Gotta think through that one. 
Alright, good day.
-Adri :)

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