Lefty and Helpy

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FNaF Pizzeria Sim Universe

I should've left it outside. I should have just thrown it out. I don't even know what it was, a black bear with red and gold accents? I should have just dumped it out. No, I proceeded with the salvage, and now I have to handle the consequence of my action.
"Sir, we brought in the robot you salvaged. He's all fixed up and ready for the stage." one of my workers said, showing me some of the things she wrote down about the bot. I read it over and nodded.
"Set him up, we'll call him Lefty, he looks like one." I told her. She went to tell the others. I walked around my small establishment. I did good, for a beginner of business owning. Let's see, I listened to the tapes already, I read over the documents, have I checked on the Helpy bot?
"Helpy?" I called out. The little pink and white bear bounded up to me.
"You have one lawsuit." he told me.
"Tell me about it, Helpy." I sat down next to it and it began listing the issue.
"A young boy suffered a concussion. It was a result of the 'reckless behavior' exhibited by us, the defendant. He complained and whined for several hours after patronizing an establishment owned and operated by FEI. One of the attractions struck him in the head. He cried for several minutes, left, and took his pizza. He later said he was too upset to eat it. He threw it away. What a waste!"
"Hmm, that's no good, Helpy. How much money did we make, can we settle this case?"
"We've made: $457 today." my dear little helper said. 
"Let's fight it then. We should win, right?" 
My little helper stayed still and quiet for several moments. I picked him up and took him to Lefty. 
"Oh Lefty, you have a new friend." I told the bear, knowing he couldn't hear me. I set Helpy near his leg. Helpy seemed to notice he was moved. He looked at the bear that was the complete opposite of him.
My helper is such a good little bot, I'm glad corporate let me have him. 
"You two play nice now, you hear?" I told the two. Helpy waved a small farewell and tried to play with Lefty. I went to my office to check on everything. Do I have all of my flyers? Yes, did I order enough party favors? Yes, do I have everything done? Well, that's a yes, too. It's a good work day, isn't it? I'd better check on the bots, they couldn't have done anything too bad.
Helpy was on the black bear's shoulders and they were both just running around causing mayhem. I see children crying, parents yelling, oh dear, my little helper has gone mad. 
"HELPY!" I shout. "LEFTY!" 
Both of them stop. Lefty puts a finger to his lips.
"Shhh." was all I heard. 
Oh man, I should've left him outside...

491 words. 
Lefty is a bad influence. 

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