Chapter 1 Fairies

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"How could they?" I questioned myself. I did not want to be queen and leave everything I knew and loved behind just because I had some special power, which I had only discovered yesterday. I always knew that whoever had the special power would become queen but I never thought it would be me. The power would come to a person every second generation. No one knew how it happened, it just did. As soon as I found out about my power, which was only minutes ago, I had flown away. A tear slid down my cheek. I angrily whipped it away and urged my wings to take me away from everyone faster, plants where growing taller everywhere. I would have to walk so I would not leave an easy trail for the guards to follower. Finally, I stopped at the transporter. If one was to cross it, they would forget their life as a fairy and become a baby once again and be teleported to the human world. I looked behind my shoulder, they were catching up. Without thinking, I flew right through the transporter and fell. I screamed my lungs out. Why were my wings not bringing me up? I looked behind my shoulder and gasped. My beautiful white bird like wings were gone. I screamed again, louder. I changed my mind I wanted to stay at the fairy world. I watched as I shrunk to the size of a baby and my beautiful red curls lessened. I forgot everything. How to walk, talk, think everything. I landed softly on the ground, aware of nothing.

I laid on my bed, wondering, as I often did, how I had ended up in this mansion, with my adoptive parents. I sighed. The only thing I had left of my parents was the necklace I was fiddling with. It was a silver necklace with a picture of two fairies holding hands together with the name 'Lucia' on it. With another sigh, I sat up and got dressed in a black shirt and a brownish type of jeans. It was the last day of school before the winter holidays. We would probably be watching movies all day except for my Chinese lesson. My Chinese teacher was the worst of the worst. She never let us do anything except homework and homework. In her period we would probably be doing a pop test or something. At least today, Chinese was the last period. Putting on my ugg boots, a jumper and grabbing my yellow backpack, I went out into the cool air and walked to school.

"Lucia!" My adopted mother called, "Dinner time!" Upon hearing the word, 'dinner', I stopped doing my Chinese homework and ran like a cheetah down to the table. I loved dinner. The servants always cooked the best meals. Eating like a pig, I chewed the food. The doorbell rang. It was most likely to be my father he normally came home at around this time unless he had a late meeting.

"Dad!" I called.

"Hey sweetie. I brought you a couple presents for your eighteenth birthday party!" My father put down about fifteen gifts on the table. I squealed. I could not wait for my birthday. I had a party and everything planned. My father came over and planted a kiss on my forehead. Then ate with us until we were done.

"I'm off to bed." I called out, exhausted. All this homework had made me tired.

"Good-night!" My mother said.

"Night." I replied, then went up to bed. I dreamt about fairies that night and magical powers. I slept soundlessly until about eight when it felt like something was poking my back. I yawned and sat up. A white butterfly entered the room I lifted my finger and the butterfly landed on my finger. Suddenly, all my homework and papers and everything light, flew up and started spinning in a circle around me as if there was an invisible hurricane. The butterfly started glowing. My heart was poundings in my chest like a drum. As frightened as I was, I did not scream. The butterfly flew behind my back and landed in the middle of my spine. There was a glow as bright as the sun, then all the papers and everything else landed on the floor. I glanced behind my back. The butterfly was gone. Confused, I cleaned up my room and headed downstairs and for breakfast.

This is not my own cover and I can take it down upon request.

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