Chapter 5 Fairy world

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We had been searching for what had seemed like, the whole afternoon. It was getting late. My parents would be wondering where I was so would Mace's parents. I was about to turn to Mace and tell him we should head home, when I saw a castle with miniature houses that looked like ants the castle though, it stood out like a giant would amount ants. The castle was orange in colour with jewels all over the castle, that sparkles in the sunlight. I gasped in awe this was amazing! Awesome! It was a castle. There were barely any castles left on earth, all of them destroyed.

"Lucia? Lucia!" Mace called out, "Whatcha looking at? I don't see anything." Mace continued.

" can't see it?" I questioned, amazed. How come he could not see it?

"All I see is a giant cloud." Mace replied looking across the sky.

"That's weird." I muttered. I was weird. I led Mace closer to the castle.

We had reached the castle and still Mace saw it as a cloud. I flew up, with Mace trawling behind me, a tunnel-like thing. It was so dark, I could barely see and me and Mace kept saying 'ouch' as our heads banged into something. Finally, I could see light. I flew up. And gasped as I beheld the sight. It was amazing. There were houses, made of giant mushrooms with doors and windows cut inside. The mushrooms came in all shapes, sizes and colours and each one had at least a hundred jewels sparkling on them. Mace gasped.

"Can you see it?" I questioned.

"Yes." Mace whispered. I landed on the ground. Memory's flooded back to me. Queenship, runaway, powers, falling, forgetting everything, guards. I was back at the day where I had ran away, for real.

"Princess Lucia! Stop. You must play your part and become queen." A guard who had been chasing me shouted.

"Sir. There is a human. What do we do?" One of the guards questioned.

"Throw him down the veil." Another answered. There was a cheer among the guards.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed. Mace could not go. We had come this far together. The guards grabbed hold of Mace.

"NO! Mace! I...I love you. You have to stay!" I screeched, the words tumbling out of my mouth. Mace looked kindly at me I gasped at my own words and realised with shock they were true.

"I love you to." Mace said before being pushed down the veil, gone forever. I screamed and fought and did everything I could but the guards held me firmly. Anger boiled up inside me. They had made Mace restart his life. It was not fair! My wings flapped, harder and harder. I was pulling the guards in the air with me. I used me weird powers and roots and vines started growing and attacked the guards. Eventually, the roots and vines held all the guards firmly by their feet. My anger started to subside, very slowly. I knelt on the ground and cried my heart out. A soft hand touched me.

"GO AWAY!" I screamed and used my powers to hang the man upside down by his foot too.

"Well that's the first." The familiar voice startled me. I turned around and saw Mace, hanging upside down. I ran forward and kissed him, upside down. I had never kissed before. I was so different from a kiss on the cheek. I felt his shaven beard against my soft skin and closed my eyes. Our kiss ended soon enough.

"Never excepted to kiss you yet alone upside down." Mace laughed. Giggling, I brought him back down.

"How?" I questioned. How had he gotten back up?

"Your tree was still their, when it brought me up. I grabbed hold of a branch when I was falling and climbed back up." Mace a

Said, innocently. I laughed and kissed him again. I would never let him go. Not again. He would stay with me and no one would be able to stop me.

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