Chapter 6 Follower

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A clang of metal and a slice of a sword, told my that the guards had sliced through the vines and roots. I stood in front of Mace.

"Will you let my friend here come with me or do I have to hang you by your necks this time?" I asked, in my best queen voice. The guards exchanged worried glanced at each other. I nodded in approval.

"You can bring that with you." One of the guards finally spoke up, motioning to Mace.

"That? It think it's a man. That over there." I said, pointing to the man whom had spoken.

"I'm sorry, your majesty." The man bowed.

Mace and I walked side by side, freely, to my parents house, where the guards would pick them up and we would all go to the castle. I remembered what my parents were like. My mother had red curly hair, like me, with dark brown eyes. My mother was kind and understanding. My father had blonde hair and blue eyes and was a funny man, until he got angry. When he was angry, he was like fire. I wondered how my father would react to me running away. He would not know that I had gone down the veil as it seemed like me and Mace had gone back eighteen years ago. My hand was shaking madly. I had not seen my real parents for eighteen years although to them, it was a day, what should I expect. Mace held my hand, my hand immediately stopped shaking.

"It will all be alright." Mace reassured me. I looked up at his eyes, looking back at me. I could tell he was sure everything was alright. I took a deep breath and continued walking. I felt as if we were being followed. In all the books I read, whenever someone felt as if they were being followed, it was bad news. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Mace. Someone is following us." I whispered.

"Move on!" One of the guards called out.

"Just give me a minute." I called back.

"We move on now." The guard stubbornly said. With an evil glance towards the guard, at my command a tree grew and loomed over the guard. One of its deadly vines reaching out towards him. The guard jumped back in surprise.

"Are we going to argue any more?" I questioned. These guards were so stubborn. The guard said nothing.

"Lucia. It is fine." Mace laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"No Mace." I calmly said, "It is not fine." I shook his hands off my shoulder. I shot up into the air, to get a better view. My yes scanned over the giant-mushroom-houses. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. A mushroom house not to far behind the guards, had a person behind it. I rolled my eyes. I was right. Using my powers, the tree, that had loomed over the guard, turned around, making its trunk become somewhat twisted. Even though I could not see it. I knew one of the roots were traveling under-ground. No more then two seconds later, a root shot up from under the ground, sending dirt flying all over. The root grabbed the person, who turned out to be a man, by his wrist. I landed softly on the ground, the root already returning to me. As the man came into my view, I saw he had no wings, blonde hair and blue eyes. I nearly fainted at the sight. It was... Erwin.

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