Chapter 4 Secret is no more

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laid in bed, wide awake. I could not stop thinking about Mace and everything that had happened last night. After what seemed like hours of thinking, I came up with an idea. Tomorrow morning, I would fly over to Mace's house. With that thought, another thought popped in my head, my wings, what would I do with them? I could not pretend they were a costume any more and whenever I flew, for some reason, plants would grow everywhere. I fell asleep before I could think of the answer.

I woke up with a start. It was 10am. I sleepily walked over to my closet. I then remembered that I was planning to meet up with Mace today. I looked in my closet again for something that would hide my wings. I settled upon a long blue dress that touched the floor. My wings were hidden and my back looked fat but it was more or less alright. I then put on a jumper and headed downstairs for breakfast. One of our many helpers put some pancakes with maple syrup on the table. I finished my breakfast fast and headed out side and down the familiar street. In a matter of minutes, I was at Mace's house. I swallowed my fear and knocked on the door. Mace's mother answered the door.

"Hello, I'm here to see Mace." I said.

"Come inside dear, I'll show you where he is." Mace's mother said, politley. I followed Mace's mother inside and upstairs. Mace's mother knocked on the door.

"Mace! Someone is here to see you." Mace's mother said, heading downstairs. I opened the door the tiniest bit. Mace was sitting in a corner, reading.

"Mace?" I called out.

"Come in." Mace grumbled. I opened the door wider and walked inside.

"Look Mace, I'm sorry about everything last night. I don't know what I was thinking." I said, looking down shamefully.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have interfered with your party." Mace said. I looked around the room. The room was painted light green and there were a lot of posters of horses.

"You into horses?" I questioned. I horse rode every Saturday and had been riding for five years.

"I love horses, I ride every Friday night and have been riding for eight years." Mace smiled. We started talking about horses until I had to sit down, since my legs felt as if they could not carry me any longer. I started to walk over to to a seat nearby.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" I asked.

"Of course not." Mace replied. As soon as I sat down, I heard the sound of fabric breaking and saw Mace staring at me. What did I do? I asked myself. Mace, shaking, pointed a finger behind my back. I glanced behind my back. My wings had torn through my dress and jumper and were up in the air, as if ready to take flight. What was I thinking? I could not sit down without my wings popping up.

"I can explain." I begun and told him the whole story and my thoughts.

"I don't know what I'm going to do now."I said, and tears started flowing out of my eyes. What was I going to do? I could not keep this up. Mace had stopped shaking and walked over to me and held my head up, and wipped away my tears. I looked up at Mace, and saw his short blonde hair, his bright blue eyes and his kind face. Without knowing it, I started to lean forward, as did Mace but then he stopped dead in his tracks.

"We should probably fix up your clothes. I can get some thread." Mace smiled kindly and walked out of the room, leaving me with my thoughts. What had happened? I had almost kissed Mace! What is wrong with me? Mace is trouble. Mace came in and I said nothing as he sewed up my jumper. I then said good-bye and headed outside. I had an idea. I headed right to my bedroom and took out all the feathers I had been collecting. There seemed to be at least three hundred. I smiled, I had been collecting for three years. I asked one of the servants for a needle and thread and got to work.

I held up my completed work. It was a pair of wings that looked exactly like mine only with different colour feathers, some wooden sticks at the end, meant to flap the wings, some elastic, from the middle to a little above the end, and stitches. I then ran over to Mace's house again. I knocked on the door and Mace answered.

"I was hoping to see you." Mace smiled. We went to Mace's room again.

"I made a pair of wings for you and need you to test them out." I said, handing him the wings. I put the elastic on his shoulders and handed him the sticks.

"Pull the sticks up and down to flap them." I said. Mace did as he was told. However, he did not fly. I sighed. Another idea popped in my head.

"Mace! Come outside I have another idea." I said. Mace followed me outside.

"Climb that tree." I said again. Mace climbed up a tall tree. My wings ripped through my jumper again, now if was flying. Plants were growing everywhere. I took a deep breath in and out and asked my plant growing powers to make the tree Mace was standing on to grow taller. It was working! Mace was growing up and up! I followed him. It was time to find my real home.

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