Chapter 3 Mace

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My smile instantly vanished and transformed into a frown.

"What am I going to do? I cannot let my parents see me with wings!" I exclaimed, pacing around in a circle, barely walking since my wings helped me do the job.

"Calm down, Lucia, I got it all under control. While you were flying around having fun, I on the other hand got an idea. We can just tell your parents that it is the present I brought you." Alisha smiled proudly.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I muttered.

"Because I'm smarter then you." Alisha teased.

"DING DONG!" The door bell ecoched throughout the house. I stood rooted to the ground.

"Come on," Alisha urged, "I'll go with you." Alisha grabbed hold of my hand and led me downstairs. The house was already packed with all my friends. As I was walking down the last flight of stairs, everyone shouted, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCIA!" Then started laughing. My mother gasped, "What a nice costume!"

"Thanks mum, Alisha brought it for me." I said, putting on my best fake smile.

"Awwww how sweet." My mother said, smiling.

"Nice costume." A boy from my school, Edwin, said. He had blonde hair and plain blue eyes.

"T-thanks." I stammered. Although I had been out with boys a couple times, I still was not myself around them. My father put on some party music and everyone started dancing.

"Come on! Let's dance!" Alisha said, grabbing my hand.

I smiled and started randomly dancing. After the dancing, I told Alisha, "I'm gonna take a little fly around. My wings ache."

"Okay, just be back soon or your mother would get worried." Alisha said, taking a sip of her grape fanta. I started make my way outside.

After a few moments of flying around and, not purposely, making trees grow taller, I finally landed on the floor and started walking, happily with no aching wings, back to the house.

"Lucia! You have to help me. To make a long story short, I was testing out a new sling shot I made and accidentally hit the rock at my mother's face." Mace, a boy who lived nearby, said. He had shaggy brown hair, always in a mess and light brown eyes. I groaned stuff like this happened all the time with Mace. I grabbed his hand harshly and dragged him into my house and upstairs... alone, with Macey saying, "Ouch, ouch, ouch." The whole time.

"There happy." I questioned.

"Yes pretty happy," Macey looked around the room, "did I mention how beautiful you looked in those wings?" I shook my head and headed downstairs. I walked over to Alisha, who was by the refreshment area, and took a nice long drink myself. A man, wearing a plain black mask, came over to me, "Would like to get some refreshments?" The voice sounded strangely familiar. We ate some chips and chatted together.

"May I see your face?" I questioned.

"Only if you promise you won't freak out." The man muttered.

"Why would I?" I asked, giggling. The man took off his mask. It was none other then Mace. I was furious! I brought my hand up and slapped his face.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUT!" I screamed. Mace looked down shamefully and without a second glance, ran to the door. I turned around, everyone was staring at me. I turned as red as a tomato. Thankfully, Alisha saved my life, "What Lucia means is what are we doing dancing? When we should be eating cake?!" Alisha shouted. Everyone started laughing and went to the table where the four layered cake was. My head was clouded. What had I done to Mace? Had I gone too far? What would he think of me? Why should I care what he feels? Alisha came over and grabbed my hand softly.

"We can't sing a happy birthday song if there is no birthday girl." Alisha smiled, leading me to the table.

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