Chaptr 8 Am I a tree?

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I woke up in a dimly lit place, with the guards sitting up on the floor. I sat up too.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"Max took us here. He still has Mace and the only way out is up there." The guard pointed to a trap door high up on the roof.

"This will be easy." I said, looking at the trap door. I looked around. Max was not here so there was no way he could harm Mace. I grew a tree or at least I thought I did until I saw no tree. I looked at the floor. It was metal, the whole rom was made of metal. I needed soil to grow a plant. I flew up to the trap door, there was no door handle. I punched the trap door, putting all my anger into that one punch. There was a dent in the trap door. Surprised, I looked at my knuckles, I no longer had knuckles my whole arm now looked like a tree branch with fingers. My breathing came in slowly.

"What is happening to me?" I whispered. I was sacred and frightened yet also egar to find out more. I punched the trap door with my other hand, that hand turned into a branch too. I kicked the trap door and my leg turned into a trunk and my toes, long roots. I kicked with my other leg, I turned into a tree with a human face, and my wings disappeared I fell onto the floor with a 'thud' all the guards turned to look at me.

"What are you looking at?" I hissed. The guards looked away. My hair was floating up and had leaves in it, then transformed into hundreds of branches with hundreds of leaves. My ears had turned pointy. I tried to take a step forward. My roots slithered like snakes across the floor. I started at my roots in wonder. I had never seen anything like it. I lifted my branch like arms upwards, they grew longer then, I punched the door, it flew open. I clutched something up there.

"Hold on!" I told the guards. They all took hold of me. I shot upwards, my arm pulling us up as it was becoming its normal size. Soon enough, we were out and free. I looked at my arms and sighed, I was still a tree but then I saw my arms transform slowly back into the arms I knew and loved. My feet were mine again and my ears not pointy. My wings grew back too. I laughed, flying around. Whatever happened I was glade I was a fairy again.

"Your majesty, we should get going before Max finds out we escaped." One of the guards said. I nodded and flew forward, hopefully to where Mace was.

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